Friday, December 9, 2011

saying mating is better than saying doing it like rabbits--mallory eubanks

im not depressed today.
i feel SOOOO MUCH better.
after crying a thousand tears
and telling my friends not to talk to me,
everything eventually got better.

Today is the band christmas party..
my gag gift is the.... i cant say that word, so my gag gift is the poop.
It has a wide variety of things in it.
I think it will be greatly appreciated
;;the gift that is...

Today i am also helping lindsay sizemore with her gsa audition.
she told me to dress as a "prep"

i dont look preppy

but i tried. i brought an extra shirt, (coincidentally, ashley harris, forgot to dress preppy ) lol.
To be bullies: Myself, Ashely, Ellen, and Mallory
To be bullied: Hannah
(does anyone see the slight resemblance to mean girls?)

also im wearing a hollister jacket. it looks like a dress on me

anyways.... :D


  1. I must say this is a pretty accurate picture!! its an perfect drawing haha

  2. 'I know what you are...'
    'Say it...out loud. Say it'

  3. I love that picture so much, such a win. I am so glad you feel better:)

  4. I'm really excited to help with Lindsay's gsa :D i thought about doing a video also but I'm scared it would turn out terrible so im just going to do photography

  5. Haha. That is a pretty funny picture. (:
