Monday, December 5, 2011


So i was busy from Thursday until today
Lets start out with Thursday. What happened? my emotions were crazy like
Yeah... okay well let me explain. With image one: i was excited. so grateful to audition and i was doing quiet well practicing, i was going to see my best friend and other such friends. I saw Mason, Yoon Jae, Tristan, Max, Jamie, Alex, Katie, Andrew (fro), James, and so on.... it was a marvelous feeling. NEXT EMOTION: I knew i could make first chair...if i didnt freak out. I felt like a sly fox. more like supermegafoxyawsomehot. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face after i found out i made 2nd chair. Yeah, i was kinda aggravated, but theres always next year. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when i first got there. I was stoked NEXT EMOTION: Thats what i did right after my audition. I started to hyperventilate and also began having an anxiety attack. Yoon Jae helped a lot, so i barely cried. NEXT EMOTION: Thats what my face was whenever I was talking to kelsey. Kelsey is a JERKKKKKK. I don't appreciate when people act better than me. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when i got home. I was exausted, had a migrane, and was upset with my day. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when Yoon Jae and the rest of my close friends had to leave. LAST EMOTION: Thats what i was like when.... well I won't explain how i felt that

I still had a migraine. I decided to stay home and be miserable until my doctors appointment. Later that day, i felt better. BUT the doctor was in Illinois, soooo it took all day to get there and back. Wasn't really fun.

There was a christmas tea at my church. It was interesting and whatnot, but i don't plan on staying the whole time again. I had to perform, which is the only reason i went anyways. I love performing. Anyways, after that i had to change, call boyfriend, and leave for band room. I texted Hayden and he said to wear marching shoes..... we didn't have to wear marching shoes . . . . . . grrrr
After that, i tried killing him with drumsticks.. mwahaha. Everyone had to wear some form of christmas attire. Most wore santa hats, but they ran out so i had to get reindeer antlers... Everyones were upright, except myself. I had one upright, and one broken antler. I looked like a mental rudolf. Yeah it sucked.
After that i quickly changed, and Dylan, mother, her friend, and myself all got in the car to go to Murray. I slept the entire way there. Dylan and i momentarily visited my great aunt, then mother drove us to murray state university to hang out with Yoon Jae, Shyann (his lady friend), and Tristan. We had a marvelous time. But it was time to go home now that it was 10. On our way home i slept the whole way... due to the fact i woke up at 6 a.m and only slept about 3 hours.

woke up at 6 a.m again. slept a total of 2 hours.... The nightmare before christmas was on and Mason and I kept each other awake while it was on.. Tis be our favorite movie. Got ready for church. I performed at both services we had that morning. My arms were complete jello. Autumn, Jason, and baby Bea, all decided to come over after church, so mother invited her friends Mike, Darryl, and Marla over.... i was getting cranky. I ended up passing out on the couch and later i woke up in my bed... with 23 messages. Waiting for everyone to leave..until 6ish, i couldn't do homework because mom said it was rude. After everyone left i start looking for chemistry work... it was NOWHERE. i freaked major bro...
It was interesting moment in my day. after that I went to bed at a descent hour to attempt lots of sleep that i had missed out on... 1 a.m my dog, pukes in my bed...i have to clean it up...then i puke... then i have to sleep in my mothers bed .lolol.
i kicked her out of it. lolol. now im sleepy and hate my dog

sorry this is late... yeah i thought i published it but evidently i didn't. meh

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