Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brushing your teeth is a hard task

I live a semi busy life. Being a teenager can be hard work if you're in an extra curricular activity. Since no footballs, basketballs, pom pom's, etc. aren't used, people don't really consider marching band a sport. But in fact, it really is: Us band kids get injuries from practicing to ya'know. Even myself just got injured. I somehow managed to sprain my wrist yesterday while practicing. Out of the 3 years of marching band i have participated in , I have never injured myself until this year. Playing marimba everyday practicing something, playing piano, drumming, and extreme amounts of homework, have stressed my wrist out to where it is now unable to be used. I can't even brush my teeth with the hand i normally use. Now i have to use my left hand, and that's extremely awkward. Sad face -> :(

1 comment:

  1. :( Band kids are neglected and under appreciated. It is very sad.
