Monday, September 12, 2011

The duck face

Duckface is a phenomena only known to teenagers ages 13-19. Also older women (usually ages 39-50) do this to look beautiful/attractive, when it only makes them look older and creepy. Usually the younge adults grow out of the "duck face" stage at the age of 20 or so, they realize how rediculous they look; young men and women do this and don't realize how bad of an influence it is on younger children. It makes them question at what age that "sex appeal" is really important. This also encourages sexual predators on the internet, so i advise people don't take revealing photos. Fellow digital journalism students have helped me get pictures of generally what these photos look like:

This is the duck face, but this is what you REALLY look like

This is the dog toung face, but this is what you REALLY look like

This is the moose hands face, but this is what you REALLY look like

Now that i've made my point,please keep in mind what you're posting on the internet. And parents, you should scan what their children are posting on here. I see some things on websites such as facebook, myspace, and twitter, that no parent would approve of.