Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So during this weird month of almost December, i've been working/practicing my little bum off. When i'm not doing stuff as such, i'm STILL practicing. its extremely .... how do i say this?


its a terrible feeling. but on the bright side


No one can understand how excited i am, well except Mallory.
But thats really exciting.... not just REALLY exciting. EXTREMELY EXCITING.

other than my arms being jello after the day of practicing, i feel fabulous.
(is fabulous a weird word today?... i could always say fierce but thats just not a word i'm comfortable using )

My arms aren't completely jello from just practicing at church from 6:30-9 BUUUTTTT also from skipping spanish and practicing that hour, as well as playing during band period and from 3:00-4:30 ish after band.
how many hours of practice that be? well lets find out. a 1...a2.... a 3...... *CRUNCH* how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? the world may never know.....
but really,I practiced a total of 8 hours i think?
yeah my arms HURT.

What i probably hate the most is that i only saw boyfriend only 2 hours :(
it's really sad, but only due to the fact he works ALL THE TIME

i even cancelled piano practice just to spend time with him.... but then he got told he had to work instead.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

CURSE that boss. CURSE HIM.
wait i cant do that... but i can find someone that can, possibly.


  1. I'm really sad i can't go to all-district will yall. :( but im getting my haircut AND I have a dentist app. im a little excite. tell mr.fisher i said hi! :D but im calling in from work saturday so i can go to the parade :) i really don't care if they get mad

  2. Other than your arm being jello you feel fabulous? That's nice, but I guess it works. Good job on all-Distric too, I knew you would be awesome:)

  3. It's good to practice and I'm sure that you did really good! I hate bosses that make people work all the time, it sucks. I wish you'd get to see him more because that would make you happy.
    <3 you Peyton!
