Monday, October 31, 2011

sorry :(

i have many things to apologize for:
1. missing soooo much school (7 days i think?)
2. being so behind in school
3.stealing everyones notes
4.missing out on the football game
5.not talking to anyone lately
6.not turning in my assignments (please be forgiving...once i get home i have to take the stuff that knocks me out :( it may be a little bit before i get things turned in)
7. being somewhat rude because my head huts
8.going to the nurse so much and missing out on class the ONLY day myself and the teacher (yes ms.
so yes, i have many things to be sorry about.. so yeah :/

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the childs

I have recently gotten kittens because of micaela needed to give them to someone;; I LOVE KITTEN KATS :DDD agggggggggggggg they cute. (yes that is bad grammar). They like to sniff my doggy and such for amusement. they be fluffy and junk. it makes me smile, but they meow all the time. ^_^ its so cute!!!
but yeah...fluffy kittens are the best

i feel not good

so i have a million,two-thousand,one hundred thirty seven blogs to make up... not really but i have to have 4 by the end of the week. sad day.
i feel bad and i don't want to do them, just like i don't want to do any other work.. missing school for a week = tooooooo much makeup work.
Being medicated and at school makes me feel like im dying.


Friday, October 7, 2011

So much to do

Chilluns, i swear there is so much to do i could scream. Not only have we had ridiculous amounts of homework this week, but i have to somehow convert a child that has no rhythm into a kid that has a metronome stuck in his head non-stop. *facepalm* i dont know how much more of this i can take. Thankfully we dont have practice until next thursday, and that we dont have a competition this week. I needed a break and i finally got one. MAYBE, just MAYBE my wrist will be better by the end of fall break... and if not, i may scream.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rhino's are just Fat Unicorns

The realization just happened. it BLEW MY MIND.
Rhino's are fat unicorns. This means, unicorns really do exist and that my mother lied to me when i was younger.. sad day right?
When i get home my mother will hear about this and she will apologize for crushing my dreams as a hopeful child. Now everything seems possible again. Hope is restored. Long live the unicorn.

Muskrat Tables

There are many un-important things i could possibly blog about at the moment. But for this particular day i've decided that i should write about how sleepy i am. I could be working on my English project, or my Feature Article for Digital Journalism, maybe even Chemistry work due on Wednesday. but NOOO i'm sleepy and lazy, and i want to go home. Besides writing this for part of my work to be done while ms. harness is gone,I'm also looking up random images on google, just to please the "audience" of this blog. What i have been told today was something particularly interesting. . .

Muskrat Table: