Monday, October 3, 2011

Rhino's are just Fat Unicorns

The realization just happened. it BLEW MY MIND.
Rhino's are fat unicorns. This means, unicorns really do exist and that my mother lied to me when i was younger.. sad day right?
When i get home my mother will hear about this and she will apologize for crushing my dreams as a hopeful child. Now everything seems possible again. Hope is restored. Long live the unicorn.


  1. THAT BLEW MY MIND! Thank you for re-animating my childhood dreams.

  2. Good to know you've been stalking innocent rhinos.

  3. i love to do that dylan, its my jam.
    and you're welcome ashley :D

  4. That poor rhino in the picture... it looks like it's crying and sad. ):

  5. Very agreeable, they are just fat unicorns, i see where this is coming from...

  6. Hmmmmm never thought about it like that but that is a very good point...
