Monday, October 31, 2011

sorry :(

i have many things to apologize for:
1. missing soooo much school (7 days i think?)
2. being so behind in school
3.stealing everyones notes
4.missing out on the football game
5.not talking to anyone lately
6.not turning in my assignments (please be forgiving...once i get home i have to take the stuff that knocks me out :( it may be a little bit before i get things turned in)
7. being somewhat rude because my head huts
8.going to the nurse so much and missing out on class the ONLY day myself and the teacher (yes ms.
so yes, i have many things to be sorry about.. so yeah :/


  1. My head huts too! I love head huts. They're so comfortable.

  2. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!

  3. oh yes they do >.< they're just lovely waking up to every morning for two weeks....

    And thanks hayli :)
