Friday, October 7, 2011

So much to do

Chilluns, i swear there is so much to do i could scream. Not only have we had ridiculous amounts of homework this week, but i have to somehow convert a child that has no rhythm into a kid that has a metronome stuck in his head non-stop. *facepalm* i dont know how much more of this i can take. Thankfully we dont have practice until next thursday, and that we dont have a competition this week. I needed a break and i finally got one. MAYBE, just MAYBE my wrist will be better by the end of fall break... and if not, i may scream.


  1. Sounds like a lot of work, im glad Im not you:). P.S. Get better Peyton, we miss you bunches:)

  2. i misseded you to dear! im halfway glad im back
