Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My mother hates halloween

So yesterday, I was supposed to go with Mallory and Ashley trick or treating (i don't know any good way to say that...but yeah) and my mother said i could go but she magically changed her mind at the end of the day and told me "NO YOU'RE NOT GOING DERPDEDERPDEDERP" and so on. It really aggravated me. And then...once i got home the worst happened.

i got stuck on candy duty at my house >.> Its definitely a fool proof way to keep me inside the house, because i don't like the annoying chilluns here. They aren't normally very cute. Luckily my mothers "fool proof plan" didn't work so well because we only had one little boy with a fake mustache and overalls stop by our house....success >:)


  1. I am really really sorry Peyton:(

  2. That sounds so cute! overalls and a fake mustache.. :)
