Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get off your high horse.

Really though.

I know I joke about being such a better person than others in my little group but really we all know that it isn't what i really believe. Anyways, thinking about it all i've realized Murray Band is probably the worst in that. Especially my friends, though I love them to death. Even talking to Nash about it today was making me realize some stuff. Oh well....But really, the way to be the best is to practice and work on your craft as an artist.  Private sessions with music majors won't help your talent lately. In other words....I'm addicted to 
in the worse way....
Is anyone else looking forward to the new Tim Burton movies coming out?
Because I'm like Poop-my-pants excited. Herp Derp. My kitten is fluffy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Something a tad bit personal for once. Pff.

Saturday was Prom. I went to go see my mom's friends while they were working at their aunts/uncles house. I'm honestly shocked, and it's really hard talking about this, but I might as well tell someone, even if its not directly.... But this morning he died. It's really depressing. Last year,around this time, the same friend of my mom's...well, her dad died. He was my best friend in the world. This girl's uncle was the only part left of him that I know, well, knew. He was exactly like him to.....
I guess it's going to be hard to let go of what seemed to be the last trace of Charles, but life goes on right?

I have yet to break down, so hopefully it won't happen.
What's the worst is that Saturday I could've hugged him and said spent more time with him while I was at his house....but I didn't. Okay, enough of information for the day. I think this is an absolutely dreadfuly sad post so.... goodbye my loves

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Derp. The Sequel

Ladies, Ladies, you may calm yourselves.
Sorry you miss out on my presence.
Those wonderful mornings where I make your day and all that jazz.
Speaking of which, this evening I have actually practiced on the jazz piece.
But I do have to help out the less fortunate. Nash that is. Poor soul.
just kidding  <3
But, I really am enjoying what time I spend in there.
The percussion kids will be wonderful at the concert. I promise.
I hope.
This is totes what it'll feel like to me. But to you it may be more-so to you like this:
Whatevs. I'll be proud.
Also, I'll fill in the only band kids I love on here:
I'm doing a marimba solo, that hopefully nash will allow. He must. It's the halo theme song. Derp. Derp.
Who else is going to fail their Chemistry test tomorrow?
Notice I really just said meme a lot? :P
Not like creepy ones. But theoretical and all that nonsense that doesn't really matter.
Kinda like the episode of Family Guy where Stewie makes a time machine.

Then, Stewie goes to the deminsion that doesn't have the theory of relativity, where time doesn't exist,etc. where he is actually the creator of the universe.
Where was i going with that? Oh Yeah, well, that's how I've thought today.
Also I've thought about colors a lot.
Now that we've established I'm weird and crazy.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have two blogs to write. Yippee.
Urm, I honestly don't have much to say.
I could explain why I'm gone in 1st period.
But no one really cares, or already knows.
No need to explain really.
This is going to be a dreadful post.
I appologize.
I don't know why I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to write about.
I got may hair done today.
The last time I'm getting it done for a long time.
Yes make jokes about my hair is going to fall out.
Or maybe, even say something about how I have to get it done every couple days.
I understand it's a joke.
But it's irritating.
I don't make fun of your hair do I.
Meh. Whatevs.
This should be long enough.
If not. I don't care right now. Oopsies. Did I say that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 Day 2 Day

Not really TODAY, but Friday. Merf. I'm nervous for Friday in  like the worst way.  GSA results get sent out, and I'm legit freaking.
Also I'm freaking out because DYLAN WON'T STOP BEING A FREAKING JERK. URRGGGGG. I'll get you  back I promise. I don't care what I do, but if it takes a 40 year old gay football player to kiss you once you get to the legal age of 18 for that to be done, then I WILL do that.  This is why you are my least favorite.
Anyways, now that I want to severely hurt you Dylan, I will start planning my revenge. Don't show me worms or I'll most likely hit you where...nevermind. Urmph, Have a nice day everyone :)