Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get off your high horse.

Really though.

I know I joke about being such a better person than others in my little group but really we all know that it isn't what i really believe. Anyways, thinking about it all i've realized Murray Band is probably the worst in that. Especially my friends, though I love them to death. Even talking to Nash about it today was making me realize some stuff. Oh well....But really, the way to be the best is to practice and work on your craft as an artist.  Private sessions with music majors won't help your talent lately. In other words....I'm addicted to 
in the worse way....
Is anyone else looking forward to the new Tim Burton movies coming out?
Because I'm like Poop-my-pants excited. Herp Derp. My kitten is fluffy.


  1. I've never thought about what a high horse actually is. Is it an extremely tall horse? Or is it just a giraffe that wishes it was a horse.
    I'll never know.

    1. Or it could also be a horse who has meddled with a certain plant which I will not name. I think that's it.

  2. The only thing I could pay attention to was that orange juice, it looks so good.
