Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 Day 2 Day

Not really TODAY, but Friday. Merf. I'm nervous for Friday in  like the worst way.  GSA results get sent out, and I'm legit freaking.
Also I'm freaking out because DYLAN WON'T STOP BEING A FREAKING JERK. URRGGGGG. I'll get you  back I promise. I don't care what I do, but if it takes a 40 year old gay football player to kiss you once you get to the legal age of 18 for that to be done, then I WILL do that.  This is why you are my least favorite.
Anyways, now that I want to severely hurt you Dylan, I will start planning my revenge. Don't show me worms or I'll most likely hit you where...nevermind. Urmph, Have a nice day everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm really scared about GSA results too! I REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYY hope I did good enough to get in. Dylan is always a jerk :P
