Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have two blogs to write. Yippee.
Urm, I honestly don't have much to say.
I could explain why I'm gone in 1st period.
But no one really cares, or already knows.
No need to explain really.
This is going to be a dreadful post.
I appologize.
I don't know why I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to write about.
I got may hair done today.
The last time I'm getting it done for a long time.
Yes make jokes about my hair is going to fall out.
Or maybe, even say something about how I have to get it done every couple days.
I understand it's a joke.
But it's irritating.
I don't make fun of your hair do I.
Meh. Whatevs.
This should be long enough.
If not. I don't care right now. Oopsies. Did I say that.


  1. I have two blog posts to write too:D. I think your hair looks awesome Peyton, and hopefully it wont fall out because it looks too wonderful to fall out.

  2. I've got both of my blogs done for this week. And I'm glad. I need to start working on writing chapter three of my story so I can post it for my blogs next week. But iFunny is much more entertaining than typing. lol
    We miss you in first period! :)
