Thursday, April 19, 2012

Derp. The Sequel

Ladies, Ladies, you may calm yourselves.
Sorry you miss out on my presence.
Those wonderful mornings where I make your day and all that jazz.
Speaking of which, this evening I have actually practiced on the jazz piece.
But I do have to help out the less fortunate. Nash that is. Poor soul.
just kidding  <3
But, I really am enjoying what time I spend in there.
The percussion kids will be wonderful at the concert. I promise.
I hope.
This is totes what it'll feel like to me. But to you it may be more-so to you like this:
Whatevs. I'll be proud.
Also, I'll fill in the only band kids I love on here:
I'm doing a marimba solo, that hopefully nash will allow. He must. It's the halo theme song. Derp. Derp.
Who else is going to fail their Chemistry test tomorrow?
Notice I really just said meme a lot? :P
Not like creepy ones. But theoretical and all that nonsense that doesn't really matter.
Kinda like the episode of Family Guy where Stewie makes a time machine.

Then, Stewie goes to the deminsion that doesn't have the theory of relativity, where time doesn't exist,etc. where he is actually the creator of the universe.
Where was i going with that? Oh Yeah, well, that's how I've thought today.
Also I've thought about colors a lot.
Now that we've established I'm weird and crazy.....


  1. This is really random lol. You go from talking about band and the little percussion kids to Stewie and a time machine. Only you could do that Peyton, only you.

  2. Awww poor nashy. Anyways, I'm going to fail the chemistry test as well even though I wrote all 6 pages (front and back) of my notes onto the notecard word for word. I just don't understand any of it...

  3. dimension** Also I'm not really sure I understand how you jumped from 6th grade percussion to family guy...
