Friday, May 11, 2012

Today is Friday

Meh. This past week has really sucked. Like one of the worst I've ever had. Oh well. I don't just hate one person, I hate ALL people pretty much. Meh again.


Anywho, the chemistry final is today. Guess who's failing!!!
This kid!

Now I'm going to post pictures on how I feel...

That should symbolize how sucky everything is.

That is what my hair looked like this morning.....................

And finally, 
Lately, I've been watching glee because someones life is dumber than mine and it makes me feel good about myself. But I hate it. It's bad...the old stuff was ok but the new stuff,,,,,wow thats awful

And speaking of glee.....they had an episode with my least favorite person in the world....She's got a son named apple and a husband named chris martin. guess who it is?

Generally i don't have much else to say. 
This is a quite depressing last post. So....I'm not really sorry. Get over it <3

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is like my next to next to next last blog-i think

Schools nearly out. Obviously we all know this, but I am captain obvious and whatnot, so I must protect the world with my obvious nature.
There is an eye on my mouse pad? So weird.

News flash: People here are really fake. I don't like it at all.
Don't pretend to be nice to me and then tell other people what I do and crap. I just stand them because Im too lazy to actually lash out at someone. It's not worth my time. Plus: Imitation is the highest form of flatter. So I'm glad people like how I look and act enough to copy it :P

What else do I have to get 100 words?
- I dislike complaining
-Also, I stayed up until 1 finishing my english project last night... I have all 11+ extra biography cards and a random drawing on the back of an index card to symbolize their character.
I can't believe I actually worked that hard on something. I think I did quite well.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Merp. I have not much to say but I think I possibly have some interesting stuff to say

Last night Yoon Jae was on facebook and was actually kinda sweet.
 It was for shout-outs and crap. I was already asleep whenever he did that but he sent me a picture to my phone of it.
But yeah.... I woke up to it and I was like "AWWW".
Anyways, Dylan, I know how much you hate him, so here's a picture of me and Leah to distract you:
Those are the sunglasses that I stole from Grandma Emily. I'm wearing them to prom tomorrow :3
Oh yeah...
I'm excite
Except for the whole, robert being a possessive friend. Me no like.

Other than that, I'm kinda nervous. I have to get up at like 8 to get my hair done since Graves is so far away and whatnot. But before I go to Graves I have to go to Murray. Which is an extensive time period because I have to go see my great aunt.
What she really loves to do is cuss and make dirty jokes. It is probably the best thing an old woman can do.  It's hysterical.

Hopefully after school Mallory will come over and then we shall go to Panorama. Maybe. I dunno.

My cousin came in last night. He's kinda old and he just had hernia surgery. I've already decided that he will take me to waffle house tomorrow and buy me waffles. I have wanted some for weeks now. mom said after I drink all this OJ at the house we won't be able to get anymore unless it gets cheaper. 

I'm kinda upset about this, but I will live through it... even if I have to go all the way down to Florida, steal a citrus tree property. I WILL HAVE MY OJ.

I think this is enough random for the day.

Oh but wait:
1. Taylor made me a beautiful bracelet. Its so happy :)
2. I drew a butterfly on mallory. Its like the Winnie the Pooh kind :o
3. My dog sleeps like an actually hotdog: 
     2 pillows and one "hotdog" in the middle
     (only she isn't hot, usually she's kinda cold)
4. Im wearing a striped shirt
     -the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the timeeeeee
5. my hair hasn't cooperated the past couple days. grrr
6. I saw some of terras senior pictures this morning and theyre adorable
7. Kennidy flailed her head while Micaela attacked her

Ok now im finished. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This week will be restless

So, it all started on monday. I realized that I had to fix our internet once again, homework that night was plentiful because I couldn't get on netflix to watch the movie I promised I would. Whatev.
Last night was interesting, I met Nate, Raj, etc.etc. and then the concert, helping 6th graders, setting everything up because im the only one capable. And I'm a girl??? O.o Whatev(2).
Today? I have piano, turn in job applications, homework etc.etc.
Tomorrow? Hopefully get nails done, and clean. My cousin comes that day to :3 I havent seen him in liek a yur or so.
Friday! drive. drive. drive. ewe
Saturday-prom. nuff said. i will die
Nonetheless, it means I wont be getting sleep. Funnn.
Peyton needs her sleep and whatnot to be somewhat functional and nice.
ANYWHO. i'll probably sleep during spanish today, and just keep doing the work at home.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I feel like blogging at night is so much easier than at school, Plus, I feel though I should do this while I work on stuff at school during class. That way its more productive.
i write my stuff on microsoft word so that i can copy and paste onto the blogger thingy. My internet is really suckish lately.
Band concert went well. I'm exausted.
My feet hurt. 6th grade did wonderful.
I missed you Leah. It wasn't the same without you.
But Jazz Band was lovely. What part I paid attention.
I had to give Micaela's brother and this blonde haired boy a tutorial on how to put Nash's wallet onto a snare drum to use it as a muffle. Then I had to clarify what a muffle was to the boy with blonde hair. I lol'd at that kid. Then right after, I enjoyed listening to 7th and 8th grade. They played Northpoint :'D
Just like we did.
Ok, this be past 100 words. I'm sleeping now.
Night night


Lately I've been really struggling. Not with just parental things, but just inner struggles I guess you could say.But it's definitely made me stronger although i've been on edge and most people have been noticing it. Did you know in 27 days from today will be my 2 year anniversary since I stopped cutting?2 years ago on the 27th, my grandma died, which was something crazy for me to get through. She was my absolute best friend, but im thankful I had her while I did. But if I can make it through that then I can make it through some crazy lady getting mad at me over eating freakin' bacon. Enough with the cheese, I brought this up because I wanted to say I'm proud of myself. Which is something huge for me to admit.
Anywho-since you all know I used to be that crazy girl in 6th-8th grade, I don't think i'm so crazy anymore....just slightly witty, morbid, and a connoisseur of bad jokes, which I am now proud of.

On a slightly different note: Ms. Harness, I really do want to get my grade up, not only in english but in this class as well, and I realllllyyyyy need to find out what my subject was for the project we're working on. I'm really trying my best to get my grades up, and I know in english while i was gone it went down at least 4 or 5 points. I know I checked it earlier before I went on homebound and it was a lot better.

Oh well. New subject. Nash said jazz band will probably be moved to 5th period. SOOOOOO this means I wont be in jazz band, at least in a class and whatnot. So that means I can at least try to get into AP english III. I really do want to be in it. I know I do better when I push myself into harder experiences. Like when I taught myself math my 4th,5th and 6th grade year because I had to catch up with you gaiys from when I was in Philly. *westside*
But if I get in AP English III then i'll have 3 AP classes next year. Hopefully. Yo.

Who's feeling next year we actually, y'know, make mallory a vocabulary list.
Derp. Did I mention I'm putting in my application for work tomorrow :3

AND OMYGOSH-last night, RuPaul's drag race blah blah blah.. I kinda wanted Chad Michaels to win. She's one of my all time favorite drag queens.

But sadly, she didn't win. But my NEXT FAVORITE did:Sharon Needles.
Did I forget to mention she looks much better on a moving camera than a still camera but whatev.
Pretty much I wrote this to Leah, Ashely, Doyle, and Ms. Harness because, I always forget to tell you these things.
Anyways.Peace. Love. And Bathing Properly