Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I feel like blogging at night is so much easier than at school, Plus, I feel though I should do this while I work on stuff at school during class. That way its more productive.
i write my stuff on microsoft word so that i can copy and paste onto the blogger thingy. My internet is really suckish lately.
Band concert went well. I'm exausted.
My feet hurt. 6th grade did wonderful.
I missed you Leah. It wasn't the same without you.
But Jazz Band was lovely. What part I paid attention.
I had to give Micaela's brother and this blonde haired boy a tutorial on how to put Nash's wallet onto a snare drum to use it as a muffle. Then I had to clarify what a muffle was to the boy with blonde hair. I lol'd at that kid. Then right after, I enjoyed listening to 7th and 8th grade. They played Northpoint :'D
Just like we did.
Ok, this be past 100 words. I'm sleeping now.
Night night


  1. And we danced to Northpoint and squeed at logan. yupyup.

  2. Northpointe reminds me of eighth grade with all of our old bandlings, like Collyer and Lille and Daniel.

  3. Yay Band concert. I still wish I could have been there. I missed you very much Peyton, almost as much as I missed everyone else. Just kidding, but I did miss it.

  4. The band concert was fantabulous! My daddy was proud of me ^_^ He said I did really good on my flute solo! Peyton, you're thing you did on your own was amazing! I really wish I was that talented and dedicated to do something like that. I'm uber proud of you :')
