Friday, May 4, 2012

Merp. I have not much to say but I think I possibly have some interesting stuff to say

Last night Yoon Jae was on facebook and was actually kinda sweet.
 It was for shout-outs and crap. I was already asleep whenever he did that but he sent me a picture to my phone of it.
But yeah.... I woke up to it and I was like "AWWW".
Anyways, Dylan, I know how much you hate him, so here's a picture of me and Leah to distract you:
Those are the sunglasses that I stole from Grandma Emily. I'm wearing them to prom tomorrow :3
Oh yeah...
I'm excite
Except for the whole, robert being a possessive friend. Me no like.

Other than that, I'm kinda nervous. I have to get up at like 8 to get my hair done since Graves is so far away and whatnot. But before I go to Graves I have to go to Murray. Which is an extensive time period because I have to go see my great aunt.
What she really loves to do is cuss and make dirty jokes. It is probably the best thing an old woman can do.  It's hysterical.

Hopefully after school Mallory will come over and then we shall go to Panorama. Maybe. I dunno.

My cousin came in last night. He's kinda old and he just had hernia surgery. I've already decided that he will take me to waffle house tomorrow and buy me waffles. I have wanted some for weeks now. mom said after I drink all this OJ at the house we won't be able to get anymore unless it gets cheaper. 

I'm kinda upset about this, but I will live through it... even if I have to go all the way down to Florida, steal a citrus tree property. I WILL HAVE MY OJ.

I think this is enough random for the day.

Oh but wait:
1. Taylor made me a beautiful bracelet. Its so happy :)
2. I drew a butterfly on mallory. Its like the Winnie the Pooh kind :o
3. My dog sleeps like an actually hotdog: 
     2 pillows and one "hotdog" in the middle
     (only she isn't hot, usually she's kinda cold)
4. Im wearing a striped shirt
     -the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the timeeeeee
5. my hair hasn't cooperated the past couple days. grrr
6. I saw some of terras senior pictures this morning and theyre adorable
7. Kennidy flailed her head while Micaela attacked her

Ok now im finished. 

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