Monday, November 14, 2011

I said walrus correctly

Well this weekend my mother ran over my cat.......................
thankfully he's still alive. But we didn't know that at 4 in the morning on saturday when it all happened. That was probably the most upset i've ever been about an animal. I cried WAY too much. But right now everything makes me cry, so.... The only thing now thats wrong with him is that he has some weird eye problem (its so nasty) and his poor little leg :( Saturday night, when i got home he was still bleeding and hobbling. It was probably the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen. But on the bright side i sat beside him to pet him and whatnot, and he jumped in my lap... Yes, that made me cry to. When i got up, my leg now had blood on it, i was windburned, and all my makeup was everywhere it wasn't supposed to be, but its all worth it for mine and micaela's cat :)

Other things that happened?
i cried more..
whats wrong with me? all i do now is CRY. Other little things that made me do so was all because of national geographic. A television show Dylan picked out was about a walrus. It was the cutest walrus ever. but then it got all attacked or whatever, and i just lost it. Then after that was over March Of the Penguins was on... That movie KILLS me. I cry off my makeup every time. It was extremely upsetting. Why am i being such a baby? No clue... and i don't like it, but whatever.

anything else that made me cry?
yeah alot of things.

What was the best part about my weekend?
spending time with people i love/care about :) it was wonderful... minus the random times they talked about worms. Yeah that wasn't good.

Anything I did to make anyone proud?
Yes, i bought a winnie the pooh tie!

(oh and ashely harris....i will get pictures on my silly ole' flash-drive and make a post tomorrow. Pinky promise. lol)


  1. You said no one commented on this and you felt bad about it so I'm going to comment on it and make you feel better. Yay Peyton! You said Walrus right:)
