Friday, November 4, 2011

This bothers me

Recently i've been around a lot of conflict. Not necessarily with me in it, but just being around it makes me think more. I cannot believe how some teenagers still act like children.
People came to America to avoid religious persecution. They wanted freedom to believe their own ways and not be judged. Lately i've learned many people in our county or in surrounding counties aren't very accepting of people being "different"; especially with peoples beliefs. I don't necessarily mean religion, but people have reasons for believing what they do. For instance, I believe that no matter what, you should always listen to somewhat has to say, because you have no idea what someone may be going through. Some people may just say that listening to someone you don't want to listen to is just a waste of your time... But to that person it isn't a waste. They confided in you for a reason, and because they trust you. Anyways thats my spill, and that's what has been bothering me.


  1. Everyone seems to fight over it, my friend away, my friends here... everyone >.<

  2. I know what you mean. There's so many people that are so brainwashed into their beliefs that they aren't willing to open their eyes and look at things a different way. It makes me so mad sometimes.

  3. Some people are just really close minded, it just depends on how their parents raised them. I think alotta people want to like the "American" life, traditional maybe? Being christian and what not.

  4. yeah... i kinda wish people grew up like i did because i live in a christian family but im extremely open minded;; but evidently thats a rare thing around here...
