Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm not very interesting

I really don't have much to say, not much is really happening in my life. I guess i'll just explain how weird my day was yesterday:

First, i woke up, fell in the shower and hit my head (that doesn't help with my stupidity). Then by the time i get to school i'm loopy from the medication my doctor gave me for migraines...and a medication he wanted me to try that might help my nerve disorder. That explains why i'm either sleepy, hyper, upset, or happy throughout the day. After school is over i designate about 5 minutes to "practicing" symphonic audition music, which was extremely lame, and then i decide to walk home. By surprise, i get walked home by a friend, and then once my mom's home we had to take another walk. (she thinks she's getting fatter). When i get back i have to go practice piano, because of my lessons i'm supposed to have today. Then my mom slings open the door and says "PEYTON, YOU GOTS YOU SUM COMPONAYY". So who else comes down the stairs than my friend Dylan, with 6 bags of jolly ranchers. . . all because he wanted to know if i'd be his girlfriend. It was a sweet gesture :)

and just because i can...


  1. Sorry your day wasn't good. Mine wasn't particularly great either. I hope today is better for you!
    ps. I love the picture. Pretty cool hahaha

  2. I wish somebody would bring me 6 bags of jolly ranchers :( Hope your day is better today. That picture is kind of scary. It's like a fuzzy octopus attacking the deer.

  3. Six bags of jolly ranchers doesnt sound to bad, as log as it comes without a catch:), but that was very nice of him

  4. The picture is scary. I love you on your medicine stuff! You're a lot more fun mhuahaha

  5. hmmmm i wonder if they will have one of those at the zoo? and dont worry waffle (your new name) every thing will be okay!

  6. my days have been ALOT better :) ...the jolly ranchers are so fun to eat
    and thank you dylan, my medication makes me so sleepy that i go loopdeeloop during lunch-6th period;; and my dearest wife, i got asked to go on a date to the zoo, so i'll be sure to look out for the hairy octopi while i am there! :)
