Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm coming back the Tuesday after Spring Break? Who's stoked? I'm stoked.
I have a few things to admit. A couple thoughts to you whom I directly write to.

Mallory: I le miss you bb :P But really, it sucks not to see you everyday. The stupid things you say? Well, when we converse, you don't really have anything stupid to say. I think you get time to type things about and forget that I like to laugh at your Rome and Greek confusion, 11.7.11, etc.

Dyl: I miss you telling me how stupid I am, and then I proceed with making some Mexican joke about you. And those times where I attack you with my hugs and you're all "WOMAN GET AWAY FROM ME". The day I come back, I promise, as a woman, i owe you 1 sammich. But i expect at least one hug when I do come back, because I miss you just a little. But don't elbow me in my stomach like you usually do. I'll rip your head off and weave it through your toes

Leah: I don't know how you did it, but some how you have indirectly influenced my reading patterns. I don't get on Facebook often. I don't even watch TV unless mom is like OMG WATCH THIS WITH ME BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND WE NEED TO SPEND TIME TOGETHER. (I avoid her anyways, so it doesn't make sense. Whatever). So, in retrospect, you have also influenced me to generally learn, even if I don't want to.

Ashley: I feel like I don't tell you often, but you're super talented. When we talked at the GSA audition, I knew you were going to do great. :) I really hope you make it to, because you deserve it more than anyone else I know. (at least in New Media. Because, Leah will make it to :P)

Micaela: What do I really say? I miss those days when you laugh so much that you nearly pee yourself. I'm going to work on my material so that I get you to laugh and junk more. It will happen :3

Kennidy: You know those moments where I try to freak you out by petting your hair? Just think about it. mwahahaha

Swilley: Although Swilley won't read this. I need someone to do me a favor. Preferably one that is in band. Tell him his Stupid Pollack is showing, and to trim his mole hair. I'm dead serious to.

Who else am I missing out on that I have something to say about. Oh I don't know but:


  1. I can deal with no sammich if you can deal with no hug.

  2. Yes. I know those moments well. And it does freak me out quite a bit when a hand is petting me and I can't see who it is.
    But I do miss you :C

  3. LOL
    OH GOD

    i love you lollll. I snorted in class.

  4. I miss you! I'm glad that you'll be coming back. It just feels weird without you sitting over there on your computer.

  5. At first I thought the mustard on the hot dog was a worm.. and I was shocked.. since you don't like worms and all..

  6. Aww, I love you Peyton:). I wish you would come back, you add a little of spunk to the day...
