Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get off your SOPA box

Yeah. Worst pun ever, but my mother made it. Anyways, yeah, I mention SOPA again.
Last night: terrible. SO MUCH HOMEWORK! I eventually like passed out because of exhaustion, lack of sleep, food, water, etc. etc. I woke up like an hour later...thinking I was late for school. Oh goodness that sucked. What did I have to do? English--sorry Ms. Harness, but I didn't finish reading up to where we are in Julius Caesar; I'm a scene behind. BUT I READ A LOT, so hopefully it's ok. I'm an extremely slow reader. Then, English vocabulary stuff and questions. Questions aren't finished because I didn't finish reading, but how am i supposed to know answers if i don't know what's going to happen. I worked on my foldable for act1. Studied for chemistry a little...yeah not taking that test today. And then went ALL over town to find feathers.... Marion i guess outlawed them within the past 7 days or something. Stupidddddd. Then I finished ya know, World Civ. stuff and so on and on and on. BUT MOST OF MY DIGITAL JOURNALISM STUFFS IS DONE :D . Anyways, I stayed up until like 12 or 1. I don't know....I lost track of time.

I'm pretty sure today is going to be just as bad. I'm missing out an hour or so out of my day just to go to piano "practice" to work on music theory.. YEHAW. Sooo looking forward to that bruh.
I would just like to add one more thing before I'm done: Presenting or whatever we're doing in the morning next week, I'm really not looking forward to that. It makes me freak out and have anxiety... me no like anxiety.. please don't make me do ittttt
So yeah, school is now my life, because I'm lame and can't write, or do anything....This hurts typing, so yeah. I'm done.

Oh yeah, but before I go...GO TO and sign the petition.

But now it's time for so long, so we'll sing just one more song, thanks for doin' your part, you sure are smart! Y'know with my and you, and my dog blue, we can do a n ything that ya wanna do *dumbumdumbumbumbumbummmm*


  1. Peyton, I am so proud of you for working so hard :D and I love the blues clues thing :D .......YEAH!

  2. You know i NEVER work this hard... I even was productive during Band and I won't have to read like crazy later for any type of book report. Wow crazy bruh... i think I may be growing up xD
