Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Random ranting about knowledgable facts/opinions

Im not looking forward to doing an article/powerpoint on Obama and another person that I have no idea who they are. I'm all about Black History Month and all... but I think it's kinda silly that we have to pick specific people out of a bucket. Not to criticize Ms. Harness or anything, but I would have preferred to pick an African American that has impacted my life.
(Yes, i understand obama has impacted my life, but i really don't like how he has done such)

Anyways, speaking of politicians and whatnot I think that I really don't like anyone. I've been watching a lot of news channels lately. Mainly because I'm WAYYY too lazy to actually change the channel. The results of this though is almost positive though. I've learned a lot about the presidential candidates. My political preference is democrats buttttttttt I haven't seen any that actually are worth listening to. Republicans are going to result in mass chaos within their own political party because they all hate Mitt Romney. Buying a $1,000,000,000 time slot JUST to harp on his work ethic and pink slips and what-not is just absurd. Worry about your own problems and beliefs and not what he's going to do. Im pretty sure that the New Hampshire primary is coming up and Romney is going to be like "hey guys you suck" and do better than any other politician. At least he isn't trying to smear any other politician.

See all that i know?! Crazy right... I never get interested in the elections and junk, but this year it is almost interesting just because of the behavior of grown men.

Anyways, on another note: Mallory has influenced me unintentionally by making me write lists more. I'm writing them a lot. But last night the major thing i didn't accomplish in my list was to cry over spilt milk.
only because

we don't have any

But really, I have a major amount of things to do.
1. work on GSA. like really bad bruh. I need to keep a concept for more than 10 days
2. Read chemistry chapter. I don't understand any of it. I kinda feel dumb. I understand it/don't
3. Run. My mom is really bugging me about doing that lately. Soooo i probably should do it.
4.Do english work.
5. Pep Band?!?!?! pfffffffff, my wrist is sprained. I shouldn't do it, but I have to :/
6.Clean room. It is beyond a mess
7. Laundry... I have a huge stack of clean/dirty clothes (pronounced cloa-th-es)
8. Finish Leah's book. I know she's probably getting frustrated with my slow reading-ness. but i can't help it :/

Anyways, I think my blog is long enough now...soooo


  1. I should really be reading up on the candidates and stuff since i can vote this year but, i've been too lazy lately and have not even the slightest clue who to vote for :P

  2. I think all the candidates are pretty much crazy. I have no clue who I would vote for if I could. None of them seem all that great. I got to see a lot of news this summer, and some of it was quite depressing. News is just bad. Let's all stay away from the news! :)

  3. I really don't look forward to presenting the powerpoint and article! i hate when everyones quite and all attention is on me, it gives me high anxiety hah
