Thursday, January 5, 2012

"I have a disease. It's called laziness" -Micaela

I don't like the feeling of coming back to school after a long break of barely any sleep. And now i have even less sleep because of waking up at 6 something to get ready for school. Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joyyyyy Joyyyyy JOYYYYY. Ok, now that I'm calm again, I will explain: I have this medication for pain, It makes me sleepy, but first it makes me hyper. Then once i FINALLY get to sleep, it's almost time for me to wake up. Incredibly bodacious bro.

Today we leave for all district. I'm almost dreading it. It hurts my wrist. Not that i want to complain or anything, but it really hurts and my mother won't take me to the doctor, and I really think i should go. But it can't happen, which is frustrating. But other than that, I have prepared myself amazingly for this trip. I have a duffle bag. Half is clothing, swim apparel, a straightener, shoes, etc. And then the other half: food.
Also, i brought drumsticks (i love my hornets the best. Absolutely BEST pair of drumsticks i own, just because they have little bee buts on the end) , for Murray kids (Which makes no sense, because they should be the ones most prepared, but whatevs).

Random fact for the day: Tyler Collins, the "Im a Ran Fan" celebrity, is someone i personally know. He was also my waiter one day whenever i ate somewhere.

Another random fact: We are all generally wearing rainbow today. I love it. :) Colors make me smile.

Something you should have noticed by now: I have a lot to say today, i just noticed.

My friends are talking about Politics. Im really not happy with our presidential candidates we have. This is also a bad thing since i really dislike Obama. Speaking of which, I was the one in this class out of ALL THE PEOPLE, to draw his name for me to write about for our black history month stuff. I have no problem with the other person I'm writing about, but i really don't like him. I understand Obama has done many great things, I just don't support him personally. I know i shouldn't even complain, I'm not of voting age yet, but that doesn't change my opinion. I have many opinions, but in our school i don't believe it is exactly accepted to say them out loud, because then there are repercussions and junk (even if it isn't in our code of conduct book). But thats opening a new can of worms. . . Ewe I just used an expression I haven't even been able to ever listen to without hyperventilating. Worms scare me just so you know; most pupils in this class do, but for those I don't talk to... yeah.

Mkay well thats about it.


  1. thats lovely Peyton thank you for using what i said as the title hahaha and on a new note yea i agree with you and have fun at your band thingy =)

  2. I'm pretty sure I have that same disease peyton XD
    good luck at band I really ope you guys do super awesome and stuff. I really wish i could have attended but you know :P

  3. I didn't know you were afraid of worms, it never came up. I learned something new about Peyton today, yay:)
