Monday, January 23, 2012

Just lost brain cells

I didn't know music could make me lose more brain cells than drugs ever could.
I just watched the absolute WORST music video of my life.. This even was worse than anything rebecca black video related.

Anyways: I got a prom dress. its ADORABLE. yeah :3

And yeah, went on a date this weekend. Ms. Hatfield was there...interrogated dylan.. that was lovely LOLOLOL

I saw my favorite baby this weekend ^_^ it makes me happy, SHES SO CUTE

oh and i have physical therapy today. WOOHOO!

oh, and another thing..i didn't do my powerpoint.... yeah, i couldn't have finished it anyways, because our computer blew up or something, but i would have to talk about that over the intercom, and i cannot talk over's like people staring at me: i freak out and junk. Anxiety attack waiting to happen. But yeah, i wore lipgloss today instead of lipstick O.o what has the world come to.

Thus, in conclusion to this blog post, you can see i generally had a marvelous weekend... maybe except y'know, my mother screaming a lot for no apparent reason. I didn't even mind the storms, they relaxed me. yay!

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