Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today is intense. I have 'Sexy and I know it' stuck in my head. It's happened for DAYS NOW!

ANYWAYS, i've had an extremely eventful break. I got a beautiful,gorgeous, awesomesauce, fantastic, amazing camera. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I've waited YEARS for a beautiful camera as such that i have now obtained. It brings me eternal joy and happiness to have it. what beautiful lens it has. what wonderful focus it has. what an amazing set-up it has! ah, i'm in love <3

In other news, i love how Feeshwa texts me at 2 something in the morning just to chat about life and to check and see if i'm okay. Especially if its not band related :3
I feel special.

My thoughts are very scattered today, please bare with me.

On December 31st from 10:30-12:00 was Coldplay on TV and it made my life complete <3

Christmas i saw a fat huge BLUEBERRY that i despise. Urg she's stupid.

Ok. Now I think I am finished writing this post. More emotionally stressful things will be published later.


  1. I love that song! Now it's going to be stuck in my head, too. Which I don't want. Haha

  2. thank you for correcting the errors i pointed out :3 and sorry you saw she who shall not be named
