Wednesday, February 22, 2012

well. . .

Anyways, this morning I woke up, like i do most days. Something different this morning? Yes. I woke up to Mallory's ex trash talking her. It was kinda stupid. Do you really think I care about your opinions of her? I really don't.
(no offense to you mallory, you should be happy because i love you so), maybe thats a bit much but whatever.

In other news, I'm going to be missing this class tomorrow. In 24 hours I will be admitted to the hospital. Fun stuff right? Hopefully i'll be alright, maybe not even have to have surgery. Woo :)
If not.........well let us not explore that option.

This computer lab feels awkward, does it not? I just feel more comfortable at the other lab, but no complaints, I enjoy these computers millions of times more than the others. At least these work :3

Oh and just to throw it out there, Nate is an amazing kid. There are many downsides to him, like he didn't take my sucker ring, he's taller than me, he has amazing-er hair, and says "Mr. Nash" super epic, along with awkwardly rapping during the game. Isn't he adorable!

Ok, enough of Nate. I had a dream of drowning puppies in a puppy crate thingy. They were like birds/reptiles, but the eggs they were to be hatched out of were telephones. Don't ask why, because i don't know. They had bird names too. Im kinda confused about it still, but i'll analyze the dream later, if i'm not lazy.

I think this was a suitable post, so "ta ta for now" as tigger always says. *facepalm* i referenced that.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Now I really do have something to write about.

El blog numbero dos (yes i know this is incorrect)

What really gets me to dread this class and other specific classes all day?
Complaining. And I just want to let everyone know that this isn't about ashley hudson's blog, because I can completely agree with her. Nonetheless, I hate when i hear specific people complain. If you hear me complain, it's something major upsetting to me, otherwise i just inform my friends of my day to day life, but once i get to school from the weekend, or day by day, i don't come in here and immediately start having a fit. I really hate it, shut up already. I can get over a guy drumming over me, thats his band directors fault, I can deal with strange people poking my arm, but when i start hearing complaining over NOTHING, it makes me quite irritated. I like to try to be friends with everybody, because everyone has good traits about them, but when i can't get a word in edgewise because of how busy you are talking about how miserable you are, then it's just ridiculous. Maybe, if you listen to someone who has advice for you, then things will start to be better for you. I listen to my friends and everything turns out alright. What helps me the most is knowing someone at least cares about what i have to say. But if you don't wanna listen to them, then don't complain. You're just wallowing in your own depression and self pity and i prefer not to hear about it. Nothing against anyone in the room or in a couple of my others, i was just always told that if someone can't talk to you about something then don't bring it up. Shouldn't we have all learned that by now? We are almost adults! I've wanted to say this to specific people for a while, but I think maybe blogging will be a less embarrassing way to let other people know instead of overhearing it.

And i understand this is complaining itself. But do i do it much on blogger? No.
This is just how I feel, and if you don't respect that fine. I can deal with your actions just as much as you deal with mine.

it is tuesday, and i have yet to make a blog

Nothing interesting has happened over the weekend. All i generally did was lay in a florist shop on the floor to get pictures for GSA. A picture* my bad.
Generally, my concept is simple. It's going to be about what inspires me most. I chose Coldplay.
I chose 10-15 songs to choose from, and from there i'm doing something different for each one. Show what it represents to me. To involve different new media techniques I'm not only doing photography but other things as well. Once i finish what i'm going to do for each song out of the 15, i'm going to choose 10 that are represented best by my interpretation.

Ok, now that i've completely wrote about something that even bored me to death, i don't have much more to say. I'm not prepared for the world civ test today. Thats about it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The other post i really don't want to do

today i'm doing what people call a bull-crap way of writing. Im not in a good mood. I've cried all morning, and i'm just not in the mood to deal with anything. Things weren't already bad enough. Oh yay they're worse now. Do i just have really bad luck or something? Evidently so.

For once i don't feel like having something insightful to say. If i didn't have to be here at school i'm sure i'd be in a ball, crying. Yeah. i give up. this is just going to have to do for a blog post today. I'm sure it is close enough to one hundred words anyways, so i really don't care.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm sick

I have the flu.
I have been to the hospital twice.
Not for the flu.
For my gallbladder.
It hurts.
I understand these sentences are fragments.
I feel really bad though.
My gallbladder is like death.
You don't know what I did boy, you don't know what I got, I'm old greg- mallory.
I can breath out of both nostrils.
I keep having nightmares.
Since My last dream I have had a new one dealing with worms, or my parents each night.
I am getting pretty scared to sleep.
Oh, and since i was gone yesterday, happy (100) birthday lena and hayli :)
you're probably the only two i care to say happy birthday to so...
This probably isn't 100 words, but i'll to finish whatever.
I drew a octoshroom.
It was a mushroom with octopus coming out of it's stem.
Or you could say, a mushroom with tentacles.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

my fears

So last night. worst dream ever.
I had a nightmare about worms. If you haven't seen me cry, scream, say expletives, or explain how i am scared of worms, then let me explain now. Ever since I was 4 i have been terrified. I know before then i didn't like them, but i wasn't terrified. i had a dream when i was about that age, and from then on its been a reoccurring dream, only it gets worse with age. Whenever it rains outside, i try my best to avoid going out. If someone goes fishing, i avoid going anywhere with them while there are worms in a vehicle. Once something gets in the way of every day life, then it is something seriously not good. I have a phobia. I only have 2 phobias, and one i have to deal with because of my family. Other things i can deal with just fine; like bridges and clowns.

Anyways, this time in my dream, i was in my dads old house (bad enough already. my father was in the dream) and all the dylan's i know were there. Doyle, Ellis, Wil-somethingican'tremember (wow im a bad friend), anyways, i was really sleepy in my dream. They kept throwing worms, centipedes, millipedes, caterpillars, and slugs at me.( I'm terrified of anything that is anything similar worms, just sayin'), and when i ran to get away it was like in the flinstones: the background kept repeating itself, so it looked like i was running in circles.
No details or anything, but this morning i woke up screaming... ewe i feel weird.
Oh yeah, and the guy with the donkey hat that was in midsummer nights dream was in my dream as well. Is that a coincidence, or was his name dylan? i don't know. but i'm still really freaked out.

In other news, i found a marimba solo that i really like. Today fisher and i are going to look over it and see if i can do it ^_^

did i mention?


-blog complete-

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

i've always wanted a fish

I've always wanted fish. So, any occasion that involves gift giving...get me one of these fish. like legit broh

Am i a bad person?

Last night Mallory introduced me to the most incredible hollywood undead song. It is probably the worst thing to make me happy, but i was really put in a good mood. The end is kinda sad whenever the approx. 5 year old is singing. It makes me almost feel guilty about listening to it, but then i hit the replay button what i think was about 12 times. It was a really pleasant night after that. While i was being happy to the song, i also ate cookies my mother and i made last night. They made me SO SICK but It was worth it. No kidding, the feeling afterward was awful, but at least they tasted like jesus.
Thats about the only interesting thing i have to say. Maybe except for: during the play, the guy that was a character in the play's play that was dressed in drag, was my absolute favorite character. When he wasn't in the play's play, he had awesome green shorts, tights, and a funny irish looking type ball hat. He honestly looked like peter pan. . . i wanted his shorts. . . .

Monday, February 6, 2012

my shirt.

my shirt is floral
it has pink, purple, and green
i really love it.

See that? a haiku. Isn't that interesting?
Alright, now to the part where things become interesting. Friday was an interesting homecoming i guess. My date ditched me. lovely right? Anyways, I still had a wonderful time with Cody, Brody, Johnny, Nathan, Terra, etc. etc. etc. Yeah. Saturday, I went and visited my prom dress. Oh how i love it. Mother, her friend, and I went to walmart. I got a makeup bag, makeup, and DEODORANT! It smells wonderful :3. Then sunday, I went to church, uploaded some crap to facebook which really needed to be uploaded, ate some waffles, and BACON. Bacon is the only meat i can admit that i really do kinda enjoy.

Oh. I forgot to say somthing. This weekend I went to this cupcake shop. It was called Mrs. McLovetts. Ironically, i watched Sweeney Todd the next day. I had a fit over it and washed my tongue. I figured: if Mrs. Lovetts meat pies, were made out of humans, then Mrs. McLovetts cupcakes, were made out of ground cups. Thats some crazy voodoo magic.

Last night, i had an allergic reaction to god knows what. My neck still itches like CRAZY. It's to the point of almost hurting. But at the same time, i feel like giggling.
Tomorrow is the play thingy in Murray. What is one day without spanish class? HEAVAN!
No offense if anyone is fond of that class, but i'm definitely not a fan.

A reason not to go to church no matter how much you like/dislike it? When your mother and and her friends make you cry because of penguins and kitty cats. Well, not even crying. bawling your eyes your eyes out is more like it. My makeup went bye-bye.

And another thing, mother finally bought me pickles ^_^ no one has any idea how happy i was at receiving this marvelous gift. Overall i'm a happy kid today, minus the itching.
I think i want to make one more haiku, and then i will be done.

Fluffy dog is a
Teacup Pomeranian
I hug it so tight.

p.s black swan is a marvelous movie. Just saying

Friday, February 3, 2012


Well, yesterday was fun. Mallory, Dylan and I went to eat at the mexican place, and I can actually eat some. YAY STARCHES!
tonight is homecoming. we'll lose, as we have all this year in basketball....

"it's like when you watch jersey shore, and then once you get to a commercial you realize what a train wreck it is. a train wreck you cant stop. then once the commercials are over you get sucked back in and once its over you feel like you should go to the doctor to get checked for std's"

b-b-b-bird bird bird b-b-birds the word


I want him to be my child :'( he was so cute, legit i nearly cried. uhmm........ yeah

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stupid me. And big words

Well, I really don't know what to post and after we were told that we HAD to have a certain amount of words etc. it's just harder to write about things. but i'll try my best. I think once there are rules set in place it almost makes things more complicated.
Well today is camo day. Why? i don't know. I personally will never participate in camo day, neither will anyone besides the "rednecks" and the "hicks" which does populate some of our school but not ALL of it. Other than that, I realllllyyy need to work on GSA. I have to have a photo study done, along with something else that is more on the graphics side I guess. Mondo photoshopping some stuff will probably help, so i should do that like....once i get home.
And did you know I was stupid? I completely forgot my notebook at home. THE ONE I USE. I was going to type out the feature article that was due this morning because my computer is still stupid. bleh. but at least I had it done on paper. I even drew a stick figure and a not so stick figure :) I kinda remembered what I wrote, so I did it as well as i possibly could.

I need to turn in the homecoming form... just remembered that...and that one slippy thingy from the doctor yesterday. SPEAKING OF WHICH: when i went to the "lady doctor" yesterday, i had went to go eat before, because I have to eat every couple of hours. pretty much everyone is aware that whenever I eat i start feeling really sick. Well yesterday, that happened:only to the extreme. I actually puked and junk, which doesn't happen often for me. I've felt this way for a couple months now. Since....November or October. I really don't remember. The guy asked if it hurt under my ribs once i eat and feel like vomiting, etc. (thats what i was doing in his office so he kinda assumed that...) but anyways he referred me to a gastroenterologist. Fun.

I think I'm fine, but oh well... I guess it doesn't matter if I feel fine, except when I eat. Then I'm miserable.