Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Now I really do have something to write about.

El blog numbero dos (yes i know this is incorrect)

What really gets me to dread this class and other specific classes all day?
Complaining. And I just want to let everyone know that this isn't about ashley hudson's blog, because I can completely agree with her. Nonetheless, I hate when i hear specific people complain. If you hear me complain, it's something major upsetting to me, otherwise i just inform my friends of my day to day life, but once i get to school from the weekend, or day by day, i don't come in here and immediately start having a fit. I really hate it, shut up already. I can get over a guy drumming over me, thats his band directors fault, I can deal with strange people poking my arm, but when i start hearing complaining over NOTHING, it makes me quite irritated. I like to try to be friends with everybody, because everyone has good traits about them, but when i can't get a word in edgewise because of how busy you are talking about how miserable you are, then it's just ridiculous. Maybe, if you listen to someone who has advice for you, then things will start to be better for you. I listen to my friends and everything turns out alright. What helps me the most is knowing someone at least cares about what i have to say. But if you don't wanna listen to them, then don't complain. You're just wallowing in your own depression and self pity and i prefer not to hear about it. Nothing against anyone in the room or in a couple of my others, i was just always told that if someone can't talk to you about something then don't bring it up. Shouldn't we have all learned that by now? We are almost adults! I've wanted to say this to specific people for a while, but I think maybe blogging will be a less embarrassing way to let other people know instead of overhearing it.

And i understand this is complaining itself. But do i do it much on blogger? No.
This is just how I feel, and if you don't respect that fine. I can deal with your actions just as much as you deal with mine.


  1. Go Peyton Go!

    I completely agree. If you never do anything but complain, you're never going to do anything to make your complaints stop. Solve the problem. Don't whine about it.

  2. Haha Peyton duct tape fixes every thing! and yeah I agree with what you said, not dylan
