Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm sick

I have the flu.
I have been to the hospital twice.
Not for the flu.
For my gallbladder.
It hurts.
I understand these sentences are fragments.
I feel really bad though.
My gallbladder is like death.
You don't know what I did boy, you don't know what I got, I'm old greg- mallory.
I can breath out of both nostrils.
I keep having nightmares.
Since My last dream I have had a new one dealing with worms, or my parents each night.
I am getting pretty scared to sleep.
Oh, and since i was gone yesterday, happy (100) birthday lena and hayli :)
you're probably the only two i care to say happy birthday to so...
This probably isn't 100 words, but i'll to finish whatever.
I drew a octoshroom.
It was a mushroom with octopus coming out of it's stem.
Or you could say, a mushroom with tentacles.

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