Monday, February 6, 2012

my shirt.

my shirt is floral
it has pink, purple, and green
i really love it.

See that? a haiku. Isn't that interesting?
Alright, now to the part where things become interesting. Friday was an interesting homecoming i guess. My date ditched me. lovely right? Anyways, I still had a wonderful time with Cody, Brody, Johnny, Nathan, Terra, etc. etc. etc. Yeah. Saturday, I went and visited my prom dress. Oh how i love it. Mother, her friend, and I went to walmart. I got a makeup bag, makeup, and DEODORANT! It smells wonderful :3. Then sunday, I went to church, uploaded some crap to facebook which really needed to be uploaded, ate some waffles, and BACON. Bacon is the only meat i can admit that i really do kinda enjoy.

Oh. I forgot to say somthing. This weekend I went to this cupcake shop. It was called Mrs. McLovetts. Ironically, i watched Sweeney Todd the next day. I had a fit over it and washed my tongue. I figured: if Mrs. Lovetts meat pies, were made out of humans, then Mrs. McLovetts cupcakes, were made out of ground cups. Thats some crazy voodoo magic.

Last night, i had an allergic reaction to god knows what. My neck still itches like CRAZY. It's to the point of almost hurting. But at the same time, i feel like giggling.
Tomorrow is the play thingy in Murray. What is one day without spanish class? HEAVAN!
No offense if anyone is fond of that class, but i'm definitely not a fan.

A reason not to go to church no matter how much you like/dislike it? When your mother and and her friends make you cry because of penguins and kitty cats. Well, not even crying. bawling your eyes your eyes out is more like it. My makeup went bye-bye.

And another thing, mother finally bought me pickles ^_^ no one has any idea how happy i was at receiving this marvelous gift. Overall i'm a happy kid today, minus the itching.
I think i want to make one more haiku, and then i will be done.

Fluffy dog is a
Teacup Pomeranian
I hug it so tight.

p.s black swan is a marvelous movie. Just saying

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