Thursday, February 9, 2012

my fears

So last night. worst dream ever.
I had a nightmare about worms. If you haven't seen me cry, scream, say expletives, or explain how i am scared of worms, then let me explain now. Ever since I was 4 i have been terrified. I know before then i didn't like them, but i wasn't terrified. i had a dream when i was about that age, and from then on its been a reoccurring dream, only it gets worse with age. Whenever it rains outside, i try my best to avoid going out. If someone goes fishing, i avoid going anywhere with them while there are worms in a vehicle. Once something gets in the way of every day life, then it is something seriously not good. I have a phobia. I only have 2 phobias, and one i have to deal with because of my family. Other things i can deal with just fine; like bridges and clowns.

Anyways, this time in my dream, i was in my dads old house (bad enough already. my father was in the dream) and all the dylan's i know were there. Doyle, Ellis, Wil-somethingican'tremember (wow im a bad friend), anyways, i was really sleepy in my dream. They kept throwing worms, centipedes, millipedes, caterpillars, and slugs at me.( I'm terrified of anything that is anything similar worms, just sayin'), and when i ran to get away it was like in the flinstones: the background kept repeating itself, so it looked like i was running in circles.
No details or anything, but this morning i woke up screaming... ewe i feel weird.
Oh yeah, and the guy with the donkey hat that was in midsummer nights dream was in my dream as well. Is that a coincidence, or was his name dylan? i don't know. but i'm still really freaked out.

In other news, i found a marimba solo that i really like. Today fisher and i are going to look over it and see if i can do it ^_^

did i mention?


-blog complete-

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