Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stupid me. And big words

Well, I really don't know what to post and after we were told that we HAD to have a certain amount of words etc. it's just harder to write about things. but i'll try my best. I think once there are rules set in place it almost makes things more complicated.
Well today is camo day. Why? i don't know. I personally will never participate in camo day, neither will anyone besides the "rednecks" and the "hicks" which does populate some of our school but not ALL of it. Other than that, I realllllyyy need to work on GSA. I have to have a photo study done, along with something else that is more on the graphics side I guess. Mondo photoshopping some stuff will probably help, so i should do that like....once i get home.
And did you know I was stupid? I completely forgot my notebook at home. THE ONE I USE. I was going to type out the feature article that was due this morning because my computer is still stupid. bleh. but at least I had it done on paper. I even drew a stick figure and a not so stick figure :) I kinda remembered what I wrote, so I did it as well as i possibly could.

I need to turn in the homecoming form... just remembered that...and that one slippy thingy from the doctor yesterday. SPEAKING OF WHICH: when i went to the "lady doctor" yesterday, i had went to go eat before, because I have to eat every couple of hours. pretty much everyone is aware that whenever I eat i start feeling really sick. Well yesterday, that happened:only to the extreme. I actually puked and junk, which doesn't happen often for me. I've felt this way for a couple months now. Since....November or October. I really don't remember. The guy asked if it hurt under my ribs once i eat and feel like vomiting, etc. (thats what i was doing in his office so he kinda assumed that...) but anyways he referred me to a gastroenterologist. Fun.

I think I'm fine, but oh well... I guess it doesn't matter if I feel fine, except when I eat. Then I'm miserable.


  1. Oh Peyton, I sorry you got sick. But yeah, you need to work on GSA, like really bad, because it would be awesome if you actually got in:) so get in?

  2. Yeah I'm okay with the blog posts, but I really don't agree with all the 25 comments.
