Wednesday, February 22, 2012

well. . .

Anyways, this morning I woke up, like i do most days. Something different this morning? Yes. I woke up to Mallory's ex trash talking her. It was kinda stupid. Do you really think I care about your opinions of her? I really don't.
(no offense to you mallory, you should be happy because i love you so), maybe thats a bit much but whatever.

In other news, I'm going to be missing this class tomorrow. In 24 hours I will be admitted to the hospital. Fun stuff right? Hopefully i'll be alright, maybe not even have to have surgery. Woo :)
If not.........well let us not explore that option.

This computer lab feels awkward, does it not? I just feel more comfortable at the other lab, but no complaints, I enjoy these computers millions of times more than the others. At least these work :3

Oh and just to throw it out there, Nate is an amazing kid. There are many downsides to him, like he didn't take my sucker ring, he's taller than me, he has amazing-er hair, and says "Mr. Nash" super epic, along with awkwardly rapping during the game. Isn't he adorable!

Ok, enough of Nate. I had a dream of drowning puppies in a puppy crate thingy. They were like birds/reptiles, but the eggs they were to be hatched out of were telephones. Don't ask why, because i don't know. They had bird names too. Im kinda confused about it still, but i'll analyze the dream later, if i'm not lazy.

I think this was a suitable post, so "ta ta for now" as tigger always says. *facepalm* i referenced that.


  1. :D I love that picture. But sarah's kind of derping in the back there...anyways....that's a really weird dream peyton. XD

  2. yeah i know! it turned into a nightmare, but i didn't want to share that part.

  3. it's just my gallbladder. i'll text you after the tests tomorrow to let you know if i need it taken out or not...

  4. It's fine, it doesn't insult me that you don't care. xD

    She's a........ meanie butt anyway.


  5. What an odd dream, but yeah, meeting Nate and hanging out with him was pretty fun
