Monday, December 12, 2011

ignore the first parts of this, until the colors

okay you can read now:

i wrote a poem
by peyton guess

Hi Billy Mayes here,
Leah loves peyton (like a friend thing)
but peyton loves males
she even has a boyfriend
his name is dylan
dylan is now 18
he really likes peyton
peyton likes birds
birds like nutella
nutella is a descendant of
hazle nuts,
and cocoa
they mated to make one happy family
mario is short
he says words
doyle touches butts
cool story bro, tell it again
do you know the muffin man
bam,says emril

the end

Well then

This weekend was quite interesting again. Christmas presents are gotten. Christmas concert is today. i have a sprained wrist.
Birthday gifts are given. Peyton sleepy? Research paper do friday? who doesnt have any started? me.
Lots of fragments in the sentences. digital stories due tomorrow. or something of the sort. looking at favorite characters on internet? yes. maleficant. shes creepy. i have not much to say.

the end

Friday, December 9, 2011

my fiance, myself, and her dad. lawl

saying mating is better than saying doing it like rabbits--mallory eubanks

im not depressed today.
i feel SOOOO MUCH better.
after crying a thousand tears
and telling my friends not to talk to me,
everything eventually got better.

Today is the band christmas party..
my gag gift is the.... i cant say that word, so my gag gift is the poop.
It has a wide variety of things in it.
I think it will be greatly appreciated
;;the gift that is...

Today i am also helping lindsay sizemore with her gsa audition.
she told me to dress as a "prep"

i dont look preppy

but i tried. i brought an extra shirt, (coincidentally, ashley harris, forgot to dress preppy ) lol.
To be bullies: Myself, Ashely, Ellen, and Mallory
To be bullied: Hannah
(does anyone see the slight resemblance to mean girls?)

also im wearing a hollister jacket. it looks like a dress on me

anyways.... :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

i have personal issues to blog about

so.. i have confusion going on in my little head. it generally really sucks, but somehow i love some of the moments. Of course I'm not going to blurt out all thats going on due to the fact that my teacher, friends, and acquaintances will be reading this.. but this is enough venting already.

On a brighter note.
1. i got a new phone
2.terra and i had a nice conversation about things
3. got to skip the first 3 periods of the day
4. get to see boyfriend today :D

okay well thats enough for my day. lol

Monday, December 5, 2011


So i was busy from Thursday until today
Lets start out with Thursday. What happened? my emotions were crazy like
Yeah... okay well let me explain. With image one: i was excited. so grateful to audition and i was doing quiet well practicing, i was going to see my best friend and other such friends. I saw Mason, Yoon Jae, Tristan, Max, Jamie, Alex, Katie, Andrew (fro), James, and so on.... it was a marvelous feeling. NEXT EMOTION: I knew i could make first chair...if i didnt freak out. I felt like a sly fox. more like supermegafoxyawsomehot. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face after i found out i made 2nd chair. Yeah, i was kinda aggravated, but theres always next year. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when i first got there. I was stoked NEXT EMOTION: Thats what i did right after my audition. I started to hyperventilate and also began having an anxiety attack. Yoon Jae helped a lot, so i barely cried. NEXT EMOTION: Thats what my face was whenever I was talking to kelsey. Kelsey is a JERKKKKKK. I don't appreciate when people act better than me. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when i got home. I was exausted, had a migrane, and was upset with my day. NEXT EMOTION: That was my face when Yoon Jae and the rest of my close friends had to leave. LAST EMOTION: Thats what i was like when.... well I won't explain how i felt that

I still had a migraine. I decided to stay home and be miserable until my doctors appointment. Later that day, i felt better. BUT the doctor was in Illinois, soooo it took all day to get there and back. Wasn't really fun.

There was a christmas tea at my church. It was interesting and whatnot, but i don't plan on staying the whole time again. I had to perform, which is the only reason i went anyways. I love performing. Anyways, after that i had to change, call boyfriend, and leave for band room. I texted Hayden and he said to wear marching shoes..... we didn't have to wear marching shoes . . . . . . grrrr
After that, i tried killing him with drumsticks.. mwahaha. Everyone had to wear some form of christmas attire. Most wore santa hats, but they ran out so i had to get reindeer antlers... Everyones were upright, except myself. I had one upright, and one broken antler. I looked like a mental rudolf. Yeah it sucked.
After that i quickly changed, and Dylan, mother, her friend, and myself all got in the car to go to Murray. I slept the entire way there. Dylan and i momentarily visited my great aunt, then mother drove us to murray state university to hang out with Yoon Jae, Shyann (his lady friend), and Tristan. We had a marvelous time. But it was time to go home now that it was 10. On our way home i slept the whole way... due to the fact i woke up at 6 a.m and only slept about 3 hours.

woke up at 6 a.m again. slept a total of 2 hours.... The nightmare before christmas was on and Mason and I kept each other awake while it was on.. Tis be our favorite movie. Got ready for church. I performed at both services we had that morning. My arms were complete jello. Autumn, Jason, and baby Bea, all decided to come over after church, so mother invited her friends Mike, Darryl, and Marla over.... i was getting cranky. I ended up passing out on the couch and later i woke up in my bed... with 23 messages. Waiting for everyone to leave..until 6ish, i couldn't do homework because mom said it was rude. After everyone left i start looking for chemistry work... it was NOWHERE. i freaked major bro...
It was interesting moment in my day. after that I went to bed at a descent hour to attempt lots of sleep that i had missed out on... 1 a.m my dog, pukes in my bed...i have to clean it up...then i puke... then i have to sleep in my mothers bed .lolol.
i kicked her out of it. lolol. now im sleepy and hate my dog

sorry this is late... yeah i thought i published it but evidently i didn't. meh

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So during this weird month of almost December, i've been working/practicing my little bum off. When i'm not doing stuff as such, i'm STILL practicing. its extremely .... how do i say this?


its a terrible feeling. but on the bright side


No one can understand how excited i am, well except Mallory.
But thats really exciting.... not just REALLY exciting. EXTREMELY EXCITING.

other than my arms being jello after the day of practicing, i feel fabulous.
(is fabulous a weird word today?... i could always say fierce but thats just not a word i'm comfortable using )

My arms aren't completely jello from just practicing at church from 6:30-9 BUUUTTTT also from skipping spanish and practicing that hour, as well as playing during band period and from 3:00-4:30 ish after band.
how many hours of practice that be? well lets find out. a 1...a2.... a 3...... *CRUNCH* how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? the world may never know.....
but really,I practiced a total of 8 hours i think?
yeah my arms HURT.

What i probably hate the most is that i only saw boyfriend only 2 hours :(
it's really sad, but only due to the fact he works ALL THE TIME

i even cancelled piano practice just to spend time with him.... but then he got told he had to work instead.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

CURSE that boss. CURSE HIM.
wait i cant do that... but i can find someone that can, possibly.

Monday, November 28, 2011

do i need a title? i believe i do


So that was me trying to find out what font i liked better than the previous one.

On another note, mallory is saying "baaaaaooohhhh" repeatedly and then burst out "ajweofiaje polygamist"

this is how my thanksgiving went-
1. wake up
2. drive past the crittenden couty line, to the caldwell county line to pick up a wonderful baby and her momme'
3. drive back to my humble abode
4. eat my booty off, due to the fact i knew i wouldn't be eating for the rest of the day
5. play with baby, kitties, and make fun of fat dog across street
6. eat again
7.wait for boyfriend to pick me up
8. go ALLLLLL the way to uniontown boyfriends parents/crapton of old people who tackled me
10. get red, embarrassed. tough it out for boyfriend
11. talk to grandfather. . . about the coal mines *facepalm*
12. little boy comes up to dylan and myself and screams
13. get red; proceed walking to the car
14. get in car, drive a bit, be quiet and then bam... yell at him for putting me into that type of situation.
15. go to another thanksgiving dinner
16. get tackled by a drunk guy

(that was my least favorite part)

micaela and my marriage is amazing as always. What a wonderful wife to be.
wedding anytime soon? is what you must be thinking, but i think a nice spring wedding would be marvelous. Much better than our first plan to do in the fall. YUCK.

Who likes the fall anyways?
I DO! but not when its cold.

adfadfaadsfadf (sorry,trying to get the type to get off bold)
Micaela, likes it as well, but we have proceeded into the coldest part of fall, and in viente some-odd days, it will be winter.

ewe right?

i dont like snow because EVERYTIME it snows i get all sickly >.>

anyways,thats all i have to say for today... more to come most likely. pretty sure i forgot something but oh well

oh wait!!!!!!
i forgot something!
The play!
The play!
I forgot!

ms. harness says to work on storyboards


Friday, November 18, 2011

i was here

Hey Wifie =P
With All My Heart
Micaela Michelle

are you stoked?

so today, as i promised chilluns in this class, im going to watch the play the:

I get to see my "father" Jamie, and thats super exciting as well :)
oh yeah, and leah shall sit by me as well.
Isn't that something to be excited about?
But yeah.. I'm sure it'll be great. i mean c'mon how can princesses peeing not be great? JUST KIDDING.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


so i have cute kitties. they're adorable and i love thems very mucho grande.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I said walrus correctly

Well this weekend my mother ran over my cat.......................
thankfully he's still alive. But we didn't know that at 4 in the morning on saturday when it all happened. That was probably the most upset i've ever been about an animal. I cried WAY too much. But right now everything makes me cry, so.... The only thing now thats wrong with him is that he has some weird eye problem (its so nasty) and his poor little leg :( Saturday night, when i got home he was still bleeding and hobbling. It was probably the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen. But on the bright side i sat beside him to pet him and whatnot, and he jumped in my lap... Yes, that made me cry to. When i got up, my leg now had blood on it, i was windburned, and all my makeup was everywhere it wasn't supposed to be, but its all worth it for mine and micaela's cat :)

Other things that happened?
i cried more..
whats wrong with me? all i do now is CRY. Other little things that made me do so was all because of national geographic. A television show Dylan picked out was about a walrus. It was the cutest walrus ever. but then it got all attacked or whatever, and i just lost it. Then after that was over March Of the Penguins was on... That movie KILLS me. I cry off my makeup every time. It was extremely upsetting. Why am i being such a baby? No clue... and i don't like it, but whatever.

anything else that made me cry?
yeah alot of things.

What was the best part about my weekend?
spending time with people i love/care about :) it was wonderful... minus the random times they talked about worms. Yeah that wasn't good.

Anything I did to make anyone proud?
Yes, i bought a winnie the pooh tie!

(oh and ashely harris....i will get pictures on my silly ole' flash-drive and make a post tomorrow. Pinky promise. lol)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Turtle Sound. Turtle Arms. Awkward Turtle

So yesterday was marvelous. Van Helsing was on. By far the point that makes me die laughing every time is my favorite part of the entire movie... Its the dialogue between the friar and frankenstein saying:
(Frankintein)-- SAVE ME

I have no reason as of to why i think it is so funny, but it is.

my views on babies: they're adorable. i love babies. they're cute, they poop, they eat. Them and myself have many things in common

my views on mops: They smear dirt around. Them and i are not similar in any way.

my views on world civ: I love it. it's is one of my favorite classes. Suggs has awesome ties

my views on cats: i LOVE them ( someone remind me to add a picture of my kitten cats later)

my views on days off school: I LOVE THEM.

my views on my mothers decision to vote yesterday: she's a bit overboard by her choices

my views on scooters: i fall off them

my views on micaela: i love her

my views on the word "lol" : i use it wayyyyy to much

my views on the post: comment

Monday, November 7, 2011

Public Service Announcement.

So im really getting irked today. This weekend consisted of my mother yelling at me telling me i'm stupid, and how i'm a good for nothing. And so far today, people are talking to me like i'm someone stupid. Let me just say one thing: IM NOT STUPID. And if someone tells me how stupid i am today, i may lose it. okay thank you :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

A word i can't say.

I CANNOT, no matter how hard i try, i cannot i repeat, CANNOT, say

But my dear and close friend Yoon Jae Lee told me a way to pronounce it.





for some reason, i can say walrussia if i try, but not walrus. -sad day

This bothers me

Recently i've been around a lot of conflict. Not necessarily with me in it, but just being around it makes me think more. I cannot believe how some teenagers still act like children.
People came to America to avoid religious persecution. They wanted freedom to believe their own ways and not be judged. Lately i've learned many people in our county or in surrounding counties aren't very accepting of people being "different"; especially with peoples beliefs. I don't necessarily mean religion, but people have reasons for believing what they do. For instance, I believe that no matter what, you should always listen to somewhat has to say, because you have no idea what someone may be going through. Some people may just say that listening to someone you don't want to listen to is just a waste of your time... But to that person it isn't a waste. They confided in you for a reason, and because they trust you. Anyways thats my spill, and that's what has been bothering me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm not very interesting

I really don't have much to say, not much is really happening in my life. I guess i'll just explain how weird my day was yesterday:

First, i woke up, fell in the shower and hit my head (that doesn't help with my stupidity). Then by the time i get to school i'm loopy from the medication my doctor gave me for migraines...and a medication he wanted me to try that might help my nerve disorder. That explains why i'm either sleepy, hyper, upset, or happy throughout the day. After school is over i designate about 5 minutes to "practicing" symphonic audition music, which was extremely lame, and then i decide to walk home. By surprise, i get walked home by a friend, and then once my mom's home we had to take another walk. (she thinks she's getting fatter). When i get back i have to go practice piano, because of my lessons i'm supposed to have today. Then my mom slings open the door and says "PEYTON, YOU GOTS YOU SUM COMPONAYY". So who else comes down the stairs than my friend Dylan, with 6 bags of jolly ranchers. . . all because he wanted to know if i'd be his girlfriend. It was a sweet gesture :)

and just because i can...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My mother hates halloween

So yesterday, I was supposed to go with Mallory and Ashley trick or treating (i don't know any good way to say that...but yeah) and my mother said i could go but she magically changed her mind at the end of the day and told me "NO YOU'RE NOT GOING DERPDEDERPDEDERP" and so on. It really aggravated me. And then...once i got home the worst happened.

i got stuck on candy duty at my house >.> Its definitely a fool proof way to keep me inside the house, because i don't like the annoying chilluns here. They aren't normally very cute. Luckily my mothers "fool proof plan" didn't work so well because we only had one little boy with a fake mustache and overalls stop by our house....success >:)

Monday, October 31, 2011

sorry :(

i have many things to apologize for:
1. missing soooo much school (7 days i think?)
2. being so behind in school
3.stealing everyones notes
4.missing out on the football game
5.not talking to anyone lately
6.not turning in my assignments (please be forgiving...once i get home i have to take the stuff that knocks me out :( it may be a little bit before i get things turned in)
7. being somewhat rude because my head huts
8.going to the nurse so much and missing out on class the ONLY day myself and the teacher (yes ms.
so yes, i have many things to be sorry about.. so yeah :/

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the childs

I have recently gotten kittens because of micaela needed to give them to someone;; I LOVE KITTEN KATS :DDD agggggggggggggg they cute. (yes that is bad grammar). They like to sniff my doggy and such for amusement. they be fluffy and junk. it makes me smile, but they meow all the time. ^_^ its so cute!!!
but yeah...fluffy kittens are the best

i feel not good

so i have a million,two-thousand,one hundred thirty seven blogs to make up... not really but i have to have 4 by the end of the week. sad day.
i feel bad and i don't want to do them, just like i don't want to do any other work.. missing school for a week = tooooooo much makeup work.
Being medicated and at school makes me feel like im dying.


Friday, October 7, 2011

So much to do

Chilluns, i swear there is so much to do i could scream. Not only have we had ridiculous amounts of homework this week, but i have to somehow convert a child that has no rhythm into a kid that has a metronome stuck in his head non-stop. *facepalm* i dont know how much more of this i can take. Thankfully we dont have practice until next thursday, and that we dont have a competition this week. I needed a break and i finally got one. MAYBE, just MAYBE my wrist will be better by the end of fall break... and if not, i may scream.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rhino's are just Fat Unicorns

The realization just happened. it BLEW MY MIND.
Rhino's are fat unicorns. This means, unicorns really do exist and that my mother lied to me when i was younger.. sad day right?
When i get home my mother will hear about this and she will apologize for crushing my dreams as a hopeful child. Now everything seems possible again. Hope is restored. Long live the unicorn.

Muskrat Tables

There are many un-important things i could possibly blog about at the moment. But for this particular day i've decided that i should write about how sleepy i am. I could be working on my English project, or my Feature Article for Digital Journalism, maybe even Chemistry work due on Wednesday. but NOOO i'm sleepy and lazy, and i want to go home. Besides writing this for part of my work to be done while ms. harness is gone,I'm also looking up random images on google, just to please the "audience" of this blog. What i have been told today was something particularly interesting. . .

Muskrat Table:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's raining men

Having strep throat has taught me lessons that are very valuable :
1. Makeup Homework sucksssssssss
2. You sound like a man.

Every weekend our band goes to marching band competitions (just for the losers that had know clue that we compete). And this weekend in particular, i had JUST started getting over it.... but then there was the rain. That made me sound like a man. So as the rain was coming down on my sick self i decided to sing the song "It's raining men" written by Paul Jabara and Paul Shaffer (and sang by the Weather Girls). I repeated the lines:
It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen!
I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get
Absolutely soaking wet!
It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!

Everyone seemed to enjoy it so much, i just kept speaking it in my manly voice.

alright, well that is all.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The duck face

Duckface is a phenomena only known to teenagers ages 13-19. Also older women (usually ages 39-50) do this to look beautiful/attractive, when it only makes them look older and creepy. Usually the younge adults grow out of the "duck face" stage at the age of 20 or so, they realize how rediculous they look; young men and women do this and don't realize how bad of an influence it is on younger children. It makes them question at what age that "sex appeal" is really important. This also encourages sexual predators on the internet, so i advise people don't take revealing photos. Fellow digital journalism students have helped me get pictures of generally what these photos look like:

This is the duck face, but this is what you REALLY look like

This is the dog toung face, but this is what you REALLY look like

This is the moose hands face, but this is what you REALLY look like

Now that i've made my point,please keep in mind what you're posting on the internet. And parents, you should scan what their children are posting on here. I see some things on websites such as facebook, myspace, and twitter, that no parent would approve of.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brushing your teeth is a hard task

I live a semi busy life. Being a teenager can be hard work if you're in an extra curricular activity. Since no footballs, basketballs, pom pom's, etc. aren't used, people don't really consider marching band a sport. But in fact, it really is: Us band kids get injuries from practicing to ya'know. Even myself just got injured. I somehow managed to sprain my wrist yesterday while practicing. Out of the 3 years of marching band i have participated in , I have never injured myself until this year. Playing marimba everyday practicing something, playing piano, drumming, and extreme amounts of homework, have stressed my wrist out to where it is now unable to be used. I can't even brush my teeth with the hand i normally use. Now i have to use my left hand, and that's extremely awkward. Sad face -> :(