Friday, May 11, 2012

Today is Friday

Meh. This past week has really sucked. Like one of the worst I've ever had. Oh well. I don't just hate one person, I hate ALL people pretty much. Meh again.


Anywho, the chemistry final is today. Guess who's failing!!!
This kid!

Now I'm going to post pictures on how I feel...

That should symbolize how sucky everything is.

That is what my hair looked like this morning.....................

And finally, 
Lately, I've been watching glee because someones life is dumber than mine and it makes me feel good about myself. But I hate it. It's bad...the old stuff was ok but the new stuff,,,,,wow thats awful

And speaking of glee.....they had an episode with my least favorite person in the world....She's got a son named apple and a husband named chris martin. guess who it is?

Generally i don't have much else to say. 
This is a quite depressing last post. So....I'm not really sorry. Get over it <3

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is like my next to next to next last blog-i think

Schools nearly out. Obviously we all know this, but I am captain obvious and whatnot, so I must protect the world with my obvious nature.
There is an eye on my mouse pad? So weird.

News flash: People here are really fake. I don't like it at all.
Don't pretend to be nice to me and then tell other people what I do and crap. I just stand them because Im too lazy to actually lash out at someone. It's not worth my time. Plus: Imitation is the highest form of flatter. So I'm glad people like how I look and act enough to copy it :P

What else do I have to get 100 words?
- I dislike complaining
-Also, I stayed up until 1 finishing my english project last night... I have all 11+ extra biography cards and a random drawing on the back of an index card to symbolize their character.
I can't believe I actually worked that hard on something. I think I did quite well.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Merp. I have not much to say but I think I possibly have some interesting stuff to say

Last night Yoon Jae was on facebook and was actually kinda sweet.
 It was for shout-outs and crap. I was already asleep whenever he did that but he sent me a picture to my phone of it.
But yeah.... I woke up to it and I was like "AWWW".
Anyways, Dylan, I know how much you hate him, so here's a picture of me and Leah to distract you:
Those are the sunglasses that I stole from Grandma Emily. I'm wearing them to prom tomorrow :3
Oh yeah...
I'm excite
Except for the whole, robert being a possessive friend. Me no like.

Other than that, I'm kinda nervous. I have to get up at like 8 to get my hair done since Graves is so far away and whatnot. But before I go to Graves I have to go to Murray. Which is an extensive time period because I have to go see my great aunt.
What she really loves to do is cuss and make dirty jokes. It is probably the best thing an old woman can do.  It's hysterical.

Hopefully after school Mallory will come over and then we shall go to Panorama. Maybe. I dunno.

My cousin came in last night. He's kinda old and he just had hernia surgery. I've already decided that he will take me to waffle house tomorrow and buy me waffles. I have wanted some for weeks now. mom said after I drink all this OJ at the house we won't be able to get anymore unless it gets cheaper. 

I'm kinda upset about this, but I will live through it... even if I have to go all the way down to Florida, steal a citrus tree property. I WILL HAVE MY OJ.

I think this is enough random for the day.

Oh but wait:
1. Taylor made me a beautiful bracelet. Its so happy :)
2. I drew a butterfly on mallory. Its like the Winnie the Pooh kind :o
3. My dog sleeps like an actually hotdog: 
     2 pillows and one "hotdog" in the middle
     (only she isn't hot, usually she's kinda cold)
4. Im wearing a striped shirt
     -the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the timeeeeee
5. my hair hasn't cooperated the past couple days. grrr
6. I saw some of terras senior pictures this morning and theyre adorable
7. Kennidy flailed her head while Micaela attacked her

Ok now im finished. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This week will be restless

So, it all started on monday. I realized that I had to fix our internet once again, homework that night was plentiful because I couldn't get on netflix to watch the movie I promised I would. Whatev.
Last night was interesting, I met Nate, Raj, etc.etc. and then the concert, helping 6th graders, setting everything up because im the only one capable. And I'm a girl??? O.o Whatev(2).
Today? I have piano, turn in job applications, homework etc.etc.
Tomorrow? Hopefully get nails done, and clean. My cousin comes that day to :3 I havent seen him in liek a yur or so.
Friday! drive. drive. drive. ewe
Saturday-prom. nuff said. i will die
Nonetheless, it means I wont be getting sleep. Funnn.
Peyton needs her sleep and whatnot to be somewhat functional and nice.
ANYWHO. i'll probably sleep during spanish today, and just keep doing the work at home.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I feel like blogging at night is so much easier than at school, Plus, I feel though I should do this while I work on stuff at school during class. That way its more productive.
i write my stuff on microsoft word so that i can copy and paste onto the blogger thingy. My internet is really suckish lately.
Band concert went well. I'm exausted.
My feet hurt. 6th grade did wonderful.
I missed you Leah. It wasn't the same without you.
But Jazz Band was lovely. What part I paid attention.
I had to give Micaela's brother and this blonde haired boy a tutorial on how to put Nash's wallet onto a snare drum to use it as a muffle. Then I had to clarify what a muffle was to the boy with blonde hair. I lol'd at that kid. Then right after, I enjoyed listening to 7th and 8th grade. They played Northpoint :'D
Just like we did.
Ok, this be past 100 words. I'm sleeping now.
Night night


Lately I've been really struggling. Not with just parental things, but just inner struggles I guess you could say.But it's definitely made me stronger although i've been on edge and most people have been noticing it. Did you know in 27 days from today will be my 2 year anniversary since I stopped cutting?2 years ago on the 27th, my grandma died, which was something crazy for me to get through. She was my absolute best friend, but im thankful I had her while I did. But if I can make it through that then I can make it through some crazy lady getting mad at me over eating freakin' bacon. Enough with the cheese, I brought this up because I wanted to say I'm proud of myself. Which is something huge for me to admit.
Anywho-since you all know I used to be that crazy girl in 6th-8th grade, I don't think i'm so crazy anymore....just slightly witty, morbid, and a connoisseur of bad jokes, which I am now proud of.

On a slightly different note: Ms. Harness, I really do want to get my grade up, not only in english but in this class as well, and I realllllyyyyy need to find out what my subject was for the project we're working on. I'm really trying my best to get my grades up, and I know in english while i was gone it went down at least 4 or 5 points. I know I checked it earlier before I went on homebound and it was a lot better.

Oh well. New subject. Nash said jazz band will probably be moved to 5th period. SOOOOOO this means I wont be in jazz band, at least in a class and whatnot. So that means I can at least try to get into AP english III. I really do want to be in it. I know I do better when I push myself into harder experiences. Like when I taught myself math my 4th,5th and 6th grade year because I had to catch up with you gaiys from when I was in Philly. *westside*
But if I get in AP English III then i'll have 3 AP classes next year. Hopefully. Yo.

Who's feeling next year we actually, y'know, make mallory a vocabulary list.
Derp. Did I mention I'm putting in my application for work tomorrow :3

AND OMYGOSH-last night, RuPaul's drag race blah blah blah.. I kinda wanted Chad Michaels to win. She's one of my all time favorite drag queens.

But sadly, she didn't win. But my NEXT FAVORITE did:Sharon Needles.
Did I forget to mention she looks much better on a moving camera than a still camera but whatev.
Pretty much I wrote this to Leah, Ashely, Doyle, and Ms. Harness because, I always forget to tell you these things.
Anyways.Peace. Love. And Bathing Properly

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get off your high horse.

Really though.

I know I joke about being such a better person than others in my little group but really we all know that it isn't what i really believe. Anyways, thinking about it all i've realized Murray Band is probably the worst in that. Especially my friends, though I love them to death. Even talking to Nash about it today was making me realize some stuff. Oh well....But really, the way to be the best is to practice and work on your craft as an artist.  Private sessions with music majors won't help your talent lately. In other words....I'm addicted to 
in the worse way....
Is anyone else looking forward to the new Tim Burton movies coming out?
Because I'm like Poop-my-pants excited. Herp Derp. My kitten is fluffy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Something a tad bit personal for once. Pff.

Saturday was Prom. I went to go see my mom's friends while they were working at their aunts/uncles house. I'm honestly shocked, and it's really hard talking about this, but I might as well tell someone, even if its not directly.... But this morning he died. It's really depressing. Last year,around this time, the same friend of my mom's...well, her dad died. He was my best friend in the world. This girl's uncle was the only part left of him that I know, well, knew. He was exactly like him to.....
I guess it's going to be hard to let go of what seemed to be the last trace of Charles, but life goes on right?

I have yet to break down, so hopefully it won't happen.
What's the worst is that Saturday I could've hugged him and said spent more time with him while I was at his house....but I didn't. Okay, enough of information for the day. I think this is an absolutely dreadfuly sad post so.... goodbye my loves

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Derp. The Sequel

Ladies, Ladies, you may calm yourselves.
Sorry you miss out on my presence.
Those wonderful mornings where I make your day and all that jazz.
Speaking of which, this evening I have actually practiced on the jazz piece.
But I do have to help out the less fortunate. Nash that is. Poor soul.
just kidding  <3
But, I really am enjoying what time I spend in there.
The percussion kids will be wonderful at the concert. I promise.
I hope.
This is totes what it'll feel like to me. But to you it may be more-so to you like this:
Whatevs. I'll be proud.
Also, I'll fill in the only band kids I love on here:
I'm doing a marimba solo, that hopefully nash will allow. He must. It's the halo theme song. Derp. Derp.
Who else is going to fail their Chemistry test tomorrow?
Notice I really just said meme a lot? :P
Not like creepy ones. But theoretical and all that nonsense that doesn't really matter.
Kinda like the episode of Family Guy where Stewie makes a time machine.

Then, Stewie goes to the deminsion that doesn't have the theory of relativity, where time doesn't exist,etc. where he is actually the creator of the universe.
Where was i going with that? Oh Yeah, well, that's how I've thought today.
Also I've thought about colors a lot.
Now that we've established I'm weird and crazy.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have two blogs to write. Yippee.
Urm, I honestly don't have much to say.
I could explain why I'm gone in 1st period.
But no one really cares, or already knows.
No need to explain really.
This is going to be a dreadful post.
I appologize.
I don't know why I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to write about.
I got may hair done today.
The last time I'm getting it done for a long time.
Yes make jokes about my hair is going to fall out.
Or maybe, even say something about how I have to get it done every couple days.
I understand it's a joke.
But it's irritating.
I don't make fun of your hair do I.
Meh. Whatevs.
This should be long enough.
If not. I don't care right now. Oopsies. Did I say that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 Day 2 Day

Not really TODAY, but Friday. Merf. I'm nervous for Friday in  like the worst way.  GSA results get sent out, and I'm legit freaking.
Also I'm freaking out because DYLAN WON'T STOP BEING A FREAKING JERK. URRGGGGG. I'll get you  back I promise. I don't care what I do, but if it takes a 40 year old gay football player to kiss you once you get to the legal age of 18 for that to be done, then I WILL do that.  This is why you are my least favorite.
Anyways, now that I want to severely hurt you Dylan, I will start planning my revenge. Don't show me worms or I'll most likely hit you where...nevermind. Urmph, Have a nice day everyone :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I feel like i should post more, to make up for how late some of my blogs have been. I really don't have much to say though... I woke up early just so I could start working on my home work. Ok, that's a lie. I woke up because of my nightmares.
Those dreams are awful. It's sad. After my surgery, with all the medication they gave me at the hospital, I'm just terrified to sleep. I use reading as an excuse to stay up. What is the end result of that? I get sick. Like 3 times in the past 5 days. I get all fever-y and sick-y and sore. It sucks.
I also woke up early today because I need to get homework done. Oh yay...

Happy Birthday Micaela <3

I have a feeling today will be good. But maybe not. I won't spoil the surprise.
Have a lovely day ladies :) and boy

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I fail. Normally I do better learning by myself: but I have yet to figure some things out. They are about to send me into some type of hysteria. Geometry I've never been amazing at, but doing it on my own? 1. no motivation 2.when motivation comes, i get confused. Chemistry, God I DON'T UNDERSTAND. I'm about to send a non completed paper to her, I have no other choice.

My hair, from the purple I put in it............


But only at the roots.
I pray to god (yes, if you don't agree with this, I pray to Allah, Buddha, any other god, idc) that it doesn't become completely gray. I think purple suits me, and my personality.

I think i'm becoming obsessed with colors. Bright colors. I love green, I enjoy a pastel yellow (i hate yellow?!), AND I FREAKING LOVE PINK. but not like

But more like:
I'm sure that doesn't explain much. Other than that, my love for other colors are the same.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm coming back the Tuesday after Spring Break? Who's stoked? I'm stoked.
I have a few things to admit. A couple thoughts to you whom I directly write to.

Mallory: I le miss you bb :P But really, it sucks not to see you everyday. The stupid things you say? Well, when we converse, you don't really have anything stupid to say. I think you get time to type things about and forget that I like to laugh at your Rome and Greek confusion, 11.7.11, etc.

Dyl: I miss you telling me how stupid I am, and then I proceed with making some Mexican joke about you. And those times where I attack you with my hugs and you're all "WOMAN GET AWAY FROM ME". The day I come back, I promise, as a woman, i owe you 1 sammich. But i expect at least one hug when I do come back, because I miss you just a little. But don't elbow me in my stomach like you usually do. I'll rip your head off and weave it through your toes

Leah: I don't know how you did it, but some how you have indirectly influenced my reading patterns. I don't get on Facebook often. I don't even watch TV unless mom is like OMG WATCH THIS WITH ME BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND WE NEED TO SPEND TIME TOGETHER. (I avoid her anyways, so it doesn't make sense. Whatever). So, in retrospect, you have also influenced me to generally learn, even if I don't want to.

Ashley: I feel like I don't tell you often, but you're super talented. When we talked at the GSA audition, I knew you were going to do great. :) I really hope you make it to, because you deserve it more than anyone else I know. (at least in New Media. Because, Leah will make it to :P)

Micaela: What do I really say? I miss those days when you laugh so much that you nearly pee yourself. I'm going to work on my material so that I get you to laugh and junk more. It will happen :3

Kennidy: You know those moments where I try to freak you out by petting your hair? Just think about it. mwahahaha

Swilley: Although Swilley won't read this. I need someone to do me a favor. Preferably one that is in band. Tell him his Stupid Pollack is showing, and to trim his mole hair. I'm dead serious to.

Who else am I missing out on that I have something to say about. Oh I don't know but:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm trying to find new things to be interested in. I'm looking into things that will effect me in how to become a better person, or to at least calm me down from my frequent craziness. So far I've decided to do a painting and work on piano more. I haven't gotten very far along on either.
I could schedule my life to get more work done...but I would probably procrastinate more. Not that I procrastinate now, because I do work everyday, even last night I worked on homework until 11 at night. mmmm homework.

As you all know, I have a hard time with chemistry. I think we all know who I am in this :

I have to admit something: I miss band. Terribly. I know Nash is probably mad because I had to have surgery on short notice, but being back at school by last week to practice and this week to actually have school 8ish hours is just unrealistic. If i walk up my stairs my legs wobble. What would happen to me if I went up and down the stairs the millions of times I do during the day? Oh god, it would be bad. I still take naps everyday. It's like i get so exhausted I can't even move. But back to the subject of band, I miss it. I miss everyone in it, except Kelsey, and stupid Sara. I don't like her even more now that she was in percussion. You know what'll happen with that during marching band? I'll have to throw a fit on her so she'll stop playing the marimba. JUST LIKE LAST YEAR. oh god. Make me wanna kill myself. I think what I miss most is being in the back with Hayden and Reid. They make me laugh so much. Other than that I miss my darlings. You know, the ones i have almost every class with? Yeah them. I really cannot wait to get back; I feel lost without seeing my friends everyday. It's still just so weird. Meh.
Finally! I can get on blogger. My blogger/anything with Google refuses to work on my computer. Luckily I saw my brother today. The only thing he's good for? Letting me use his computer and taking me to get my hair done. Today is the first day I've worn pants. yahoo. I also got sick for the first time today because my stomach didn't like KFC. This created my tummy to be jelly of my mothers... Not that I like KFC, but it's what she wanted, while I just wanted some noms. But after getting sick I did get to pick up my prom dress. Uhhh, yeah. -FIN-

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blog post number 2 without a title. I guess I'll just leave it blank until I come back to school.
My schedule seems to be different now. Completely that is. Otherwise I wouldnt be blogging at night would I? My mother is on night shift at her work, and this is the only time that my brain is still functioning. During the day I'm trying to sleep. This means avoiding the migranes I've been getting in the mornings lately.

But anyways, Today i had my first actual thingy for home hospital stuff. It was interesting actually. I DID CHEMISTRY AND SOMEWHAT UNDERSTOOD IT! I was kinda proud:)

So I really don't have much insight on things going on.
I do have interesting facts to share though.

1. I'm picking up my prom dress either Friday or early next week:

2. I'm crazily making a new piece for GSA because.....well I'm not happy with one of my pictures
Butttttt, Hayden is coming with me saturday, so woo I guess. And I get to see my best friend <3

3. My dog has more gray whiskers than black now.

4. I get my staples and stitches out Thursday.

5. I also get my hair did then :D

Now cute because im awesome :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

In the next few days?

I have a lot of junk going on. Today, possibly getting my hair done, just so i "feel better". That's what my mom says, i really don't know. Tomorrow? I'm getting an MRI done, then i have a follow up at 2. MMMMM. This shows to make sure i need surgery and the guy isn't opening me up for nothing. BUT I'LL GET A GNARLY SCAR if i do. Saturday, i'm going to paducah to get matting etc. for my gsa project. Speaking of which, i need to finish tonight. oh my. Then sunday? i plan on eating my ice cream cake again since i'm not allowed to eat after 8 tonight, or some time of the sort.

Other than this i don't have much to say. but i really have to pee

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

well. . .

Anyways, this morning I woke up, like i do most days. Something different this morning? Yes. I woke up to Mallory's ex trash talking her. It was kinda stupid. Do you really think I care about your opinions of her? I really don't.
(no offense to you mallory, you should be happy because i love you so), maybe thats a bit much but whatever.

In other news, I'm going to be missing this class tomorrow. In 24 hours I will be admitted to the hospital. Fun stuff right? Hopefully i'll be alright, maybe not even have to have surgery. Woo :)
If not.........well let us not explore that option.

This computer lab feels awkward, does it not? I just feel more comfortable at the other lab, but no complaints, I enjoy these computers millions of times more than the others. At least these work :3

Oh and just to throw it out there, Nate is an amazing kid. There are many downsides to him, like he didn't take my sucker ring, he's taller than me, he has amazing-er hair, and says "Mr. Nash" super epic, along with awkwardly rapping during the game. Isn't he adorable!

Ok, enough of Nate. I had a dream of drowning puppies in a puppy crate thingy. They were like birds/reptiles, but the eggs they were to be hatched out of were telephones. Don't ask why, because i don't know. They had bird names too. Im kinda confused about it still, but i'll analyze the dream later, if i'm not lazy.

I think this was a suitable post, so "ta ta for now" as tigger always says. *facepalm* i referenced that.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Now I really do have something to write about.

El blog numbero dos (yes i know this is incorrect)

What really gets me to dread this class and other specific classes all day?
Complaining. And I just want to let everyone know that this isn't about ashley hudson's blog, because I can completely agree with her. Nonetheless, I hate when i hear specific people complain. If you hear me complain, it's something major upsetting to me, otherwise i just inform my friends of my day to day life, but once i get to school from the weekend, or day by day, i don't come in here and immediately start having a fit. I really hate it, shut up already. I can get over a guy drumming over me, thats his band directors fault, I can deal with strange people poking my arm, but when i start hearing complaining over NOTHING, it makes me quite irritated. I like to try to be friends with everybody, because everyone has good traits about them, but when i can't get a word in edgewise because of how busy you are talking about how miserable you are, then it's just ridiculous. Maybe, if you listen to someone who has advice for you, then things will start to be better for you. I listen to my friends and everything turns out alright. What helps me the most is knowing someone at least cares about what i have to say. But if you don't wanna listen to them, then don't complain. You're just wallowing in your own depression and self pity and i prefer not to hear about it. Nothing against anyone in the room or in a couple of my others, i was just always told that if someone can't talk to you about something then don't bring it up. Shouldn't we have all learned that by now? We are almost adults! I've wanted to say this to specific people for a while, but I think maybe blogging will be a less embarrassing way to let other people know instead of overhearing it.

And i understand this is complaining itself. But do i do it much on blogger? No.
This is just how I feel, and if you don't respect that fine. I can deal with your actions just as much as you deal with mine.

it is tuesday, and i have yet to make a blog

Nothing interesting has happened over the weekend. All i generally did was lay in a florist shop on the floor to get pictures for GSA. A picture* my bad.
Generally, my concept is simple. It's going to be about what inspires me most. I chose Coldplay.
I chose 10-15 songs to choose from, and from there i'm doing something different for each one. Show what it represents to me. To involve different new media techniques I'm not only doing photography but other things as well. Once i finish what i'm going to do for each song out of the 15, i'm going to choose 10 that are represented best by my interpretation.

Ok, now that i've completely wrote about something that even bored me to death, i don't have much more to say. I'm not prepared for the world civ test today. Thats about it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The other post i really don't want to do

today i'm doing what people call a bull-crap way of writing. Im not in a good mood. I've cried all morning, and i'm just not in the mood to deal with anything. Things weren't already bad enough. Oh yay they're worse now. Do i just have really bad luck or something? Evidently so.

For once i don't feel like having something insightful to say. If i didn't have to be here at school i'm sure i'd be in a ball, crying. Yeah. i give up. this is just going to have to do for a blog post today. I'm sure it is close enough to one hundred words anyways, so i really don't care.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm sick

I have the flu.
I have been to the hospital twice.
Not for the flu.
For my gallbladder.
It hurts.
I understand these sentences are fragments.
I feel really bad though.
My gallbladder is like death.
You don't know what I did boy, you don't know what I got, I'm old greg- mallory.
I can breath out of both nostrils.
I keep having nightmares.
Since My last dream I have had a new one dealing with worms, or my parents each night.
I am getting pretty scared to sleep.
Oh, and since i was gone yesterday, happy (100) birthday lena and hayli :)
you're probably the only two i care to say happy birthday to so...
This probably isn't 100 words, but i'll to finish whatever.
I drew a octoshroom.
It was a mushroom with octopus coming out of it's stem.
Or you could say, a mushroom with tentacles.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

my fears

So last night. worst dream ever.
I had a nightmare about worms. If you haven't seen me cry, scream, say expletives, or explain how i am scared of worms, then let me explain now. Ever since I was 4 i have been terrified. I know before then i didn't like them, but i wasn't terrified. i had a dream when i was about that age, and from then on its been a reoccurring dream, only it gets worse with age. Whenever it rains outside, i try my best to avoid going out. If someone goes fishing, i avoid going anywhere with them while there are worms in a vehicle. Once something gets in the way of every day life, then it is something seriously not good. I have a phobia. I only have 2 phobias, and one i have to deal with because of my family. Other things i can deal with just fine; like bridges and clowns.

Anyways, this time in my dream, i was in my dads old house (bad enough already. my father was in the dream) and all the dylan's i know were there. Doyle, Ellis, Wil-somethingican'tremember (wow im a bad friend), anyways, i was really sleepy in my dream. They kept throwing worms, centipedes, millipedes, caterpillars, and slugs at me.( I'm terrified of anything that is anything similar worms, just sayin'), and when i ran to get away it was like in the flinstones: the background kept repeating itself, so it looked like i was running in circles.
No details or anything, but this morning i woke up screaming... ewe i feel weird.
Oh yeah, and the guy with the donkey hat that was in midsummer nights dream was in my dream as well. Is that a coincidence, or was his name dylan? i don't know. but i'm still really freaked out.

In other news, i found a marimba solo that i really like. Today fisher and i are going to look over it and see if i can do it ^_^

did i mention?


-blog complete-

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

i've always wanted a fish

I've always wanted fish. So, any occasion that involves gift giving...get me one of these fish. like legit broh